@corneiliusmusic Why does Saudi Arabia still refuse to protect the Palestinians? Treaty of Darin 1915 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Treaty_of_Darin Terms and Conditions of the Treaty The treaty made the lands of the House of Saud a British protectorate and attempted to define its boundaries. The British aim was to guarantee the sovereignty of Kuwait, Qatar and the Trucial States. Abdulaziz agreed not to attack British protectorates, but did not promise not to attack the Sharif of Mecca Also, he agreed to enter World War I in the Middle East against the Ottoman Empire as an ally of Britain. Following the treaty, Abdulaziz obtained the following from the British: recognition as the ruler of Najd and its dependencies under British protection; a loan of £20,000 and a shipment of arms in June 1916; a monthly stipend of £5,000 and from the end of World War I to March 1924 an annual stipend of £60,000 in January 1917. The first article of the treaty also acknowledged the rights of Abdulaziz’s sons to rule. #mecca #saudiarabia #britishempire
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Why Saudi Arabia Refuses to Protect Palestinians?
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