The Tree of Faith [Mini Lectures] – Abu Muhammad Abdur Rauf Shakir

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  • 1. Tree of Faith 1 - Benefits and Fruits of Emaan

  • 2. The Tree of Faith 2 - Different Levels of Emaan

  • 3. Allah Made Emaan the Basis For Entry into Paradise and Safety from the Fire

  • 4. Proof that Emān is not Limited to Conviction in the Heart

  • 5. The People of Emaan Are Upon Three Different Levels

  • 6. The Importance of Righteous Deeds [As A Part of Emaan]

  • 7. The Seventy Branches of Emaan Encompass the Entire Deen

  • 8. Loving For A Muslim What You Love For Yourself Is a Part of Emaan

  • 9. Being Pleased With Allaah, al-Islam and Muhammad ﷺ

  • 10. The Reality of Emaan Can Only Be Known by Way of Revelation from Allaah

  • 11. The Outward Actions of Emaan Cause People to Trust the Believer With Their Lives and Property

  • 12. Good Deeds Continue to Be Recorded For the One Who is Prevented From Doing Them Due to Sickness...

  • 13. Even the Best of the Believers Experienced Increase and Decrease of Emaan

  • 14. Performing Acts of Obedience & Abandoning Sins Due to Fear of Allah Increase Emaan

  • 15. General (Mujmal) Affairs From Which Emaan is Derived and Increased

  • 16. Giving Care to the Sunnah Is A Means of Achieving Emaan & Strengthening It

  • 17. His Character Was the Qur'aan

  • 18. Reflecting Upon Our Dire Need of Allaah for Everything In Life

  • 19. The 69 Branches of Emaan

  • 20. The Two Levels of Ihsaan That A Worshiper May Strive to Attain

  • 21. Observing al-Khushoo' In the Prayer - A Characteristic of Those Who Are Successful

  • 22. Four Characteristics Necessary To Be Saved From Loss

  • 23. From the Things That Increase Emaan Is Repelling That Which Opposes It

  • 24. The Magnificent Benefits & Fruits of Emaan

  • 25. From the Fruits of Emaan Is Protection From the Hell-Fire

  • 26. The Magnificent Supplication of the Prophet Yoonus (AlaihisSalaam)

  • 27. Knowing That The Calamity Is From Allaah Comforts the Heart

  • 28. The Sweetness of the Reward Reduces the Bitterness of Being Patient

  • 29. Allaah Raises the Station/Status of the People Due To Their Emaan

  • 30. From the Fruits of Emaan is Glad Tidings (al-Bishaarah) & Security (al-Amnu)

  • 31. From the Fruits of Emaan is Benefiting from the Reminder

  • 32. From the Fruits of Emaan Is Being Thankful for Prosperity & Being Patient With Adversity

  • 33. From the Fruits of Emaan Is The Repulsion of Doubts/Whisperings of Shaytan

  • 34. How Emaan Guides the Believer To Act at Times of Obedience and the Doing of Righteous Deeds

  • 35. How Emaan & That Which Completes It Call to Every Good and Discourage Every Evil


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