The Beauty of The Sunnah by Hasan Somali

The Beauty of The Sunnah by Hasan as-Somali.

Narrated Aisha (may Allah be pleased with her) ‘The Messenger of Allah (May Allah exalt his mention and protect him from imperfection) said: “He that performed twelve voluntary raka’as persistently, Allah builds a house in Paradise for him. Four raka’as before Zohr prayer and two raka’as after it, two raka’as after Maghrib prayer, two raka’as after Isha prayer, and two raka’as before Fajr prayer.’”

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  • 1. Hasan as-Somali - The Beauty of The Sunnah 1/4

  • 2. Hasan as-Somali - The Beauty of The Sunnah 2/4

  • 3. Hasan as-Somali - The Beauty of The Sunnah 3/4

  • 4. Hasan as-Somali - The Beauty of The Sunnah 4/4


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