Terrorist are called ‘Khawarij’ in Islam

Terrorist are called ‘Khawarij’ in Islam
Arabic – Shaykh Abdul Malik Al Ramadhaanee Al Jazaa’iree explaining the characters of the khawarij from the book Kitab Asy Syaree’ah by Al Imam Al’Aajooree rahimahullaahu ta’aala.

Download As Audio or Video

  • 1. The Characteristics of the Khawarij part 1/5

  • 2. The Characteristics of the Khawarij part 2/5

  • 3. The Characteristics of the Khawarij part 3/5

  • 4. The Characteristics of the Khawarij part 4/5

  • 5. The Characteristics of the Khawarij part 5/5


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