Sheikh al-Fawzan 6 Fatawa 01/12/11. See Index below. English Sub (CC)

Sheikh Saleh al-Fawzan’s ‘Fatawa ‘ala al hawaa’. 01/12/11.
1. Manners for those who are newly practising Islam. Starts at 00:07
2. Expiation/Kaffaara giving food for 10 masakin/poor people. Starts at 01:38
3. Conciliation between people and who can perform that. Starts at 02:48
4. Why the du’a is not responded. Starts at 04:00
5. On Ibn Hajarr al-‘Asqalaani. Starts at 05:15
6. Is Honey a method of healing. Starts at 05:56

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  • 1. Sheikh al-Fawzan 6 Fatawa 01/12/11. See Index below. English Sub (CC)


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