Sahih Muslim Hadith – Complete Playlist in English

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  • 1. Sahih Muslim 1A-1: The Obligation Of Narrating From The Trustworthy And Ignoring The Liars

  • 2. Sahih Muslim 1A-2: Seriousness Of Telling Lies About The Messenger of Allah

  • 3. Sahih Muslim 1A-3: The Prohibition Of Speaking Of Everything That One Hears

  • 4. Muslim 1A-4: The Prohibition Of Narrating From Da'if (Weak) Narrators, And Being Cautious With Them

  • 5. Sahih Muslim 1A-5: Clarification That The Chain Of Narration Is Part Of The Religion, ...

  • 6. Muslim 1-1: Explaining Al-Imân (Faith), Al-Islam, And Al-Ihsân, And The Obligations Of Al-Iman

  • 7. Muslim 1-1A: What Is Al-Imân (Faith)? Explaining Its Characteristics

  • 8. Muslim 1-1B: What Is Islam? Explaining Its Characteristics

  • 9. Muslim 1-2: Explaining The Prayers Which Are One Of The Pillars Of Islam

  • 10. Muslim 1-3: Asking About The Pillars Of Islam

  • 11. Muslim 1-4: Explaining The Faith By Means Of Which A Person Is Admitted Into Paradise,....

  • 12. Muslim 1-5: Clarifying The Pillars of Islam And Its Grand Supports

  • 13. Muslim 1-6: The Command To Believe In Allah And His Messenger(PBUH) And The Laws Of Islam

  • 14. Muslim 1-7: Calling People To The Twin Declaration Of Faith And The Laws Of Islam

  • 15. Muslim 1-8: The Command to Say La ilâha illallâh,.. Establish Salât, And Pay The Zakât

  • 16. Muslim 1-9: Evidence That The Islam Of One Who Becomes Muslim On His Deathbed Is Valid, ....

  • 17. Muslim 1-10: The Evidence That One Who Dies Believing In Tawhid Will Definitely Enter Paradise

  • 18. Muslim 1-11: Evidence That The One Who Is Content With Allah As His Lord, Islam As His Religion ...

  • 19. Muslim 1-12: Clarifying The Number Of Branches Of Faith, The Best And The Least Of Them,..

  • 20. Muslim 1-13: A Phrase That Sums Up Islam

  • 21. Muslim 1-14: Clarifying The Superiority Of Islam, And What Part Of It Is Best

  • 22. Muslim 1-15: Characteristics Which, If A Person Attains Them, He Will Find The Sweetness Of Faith

  • 23. Muslim 1-16:Obligation To Love The Messenger Of Allah More Than One's Family & All other People

  • 24. Muslim 1-17: Faith Is To Love For One's Brother Muslim What One Loves For Oneself Of Goodness

  • 25. Muslim 1-18: Clarifying The Prohibition Of Annoying One's Neighbor

  • 26. Muslim 1-19: Encouragement To Honor One's Neighbor And Guest, And Remain Silent Unless Say good

  • 27. Muslim 1-20: Clarifying That Forbidding Evil Is Part Of Faith; Faith Increases And Decreases..

  • 28. Muslim 1-21: People Excel Over One Another In Faith, Superiority Of The People Of Yemen In Faith

  • 29. Muslim 1-22: Clarifying That No One Will Enter Paradise But The Believers;

  • 30. Muslim 1-23: Clarifying That The Religion Is Sincerity

  • 31. Muslim 1-24: Clarifying That Faith Decreases Because Of Disobedience And Negating It ...

  • 32. Muslim 1-25: The Characteristics Of The Hypocrite

  • 33. Muslim 1-26: Condition Of Faith For One Who Says To His Muslim Brother: "O Kâfir (Disbeliever)

  • 34. Muslim 1-27: Clarifying The Condition Of The Faith Of One Who Knowingly Denies His Father

  • 35. Muslim 1-28: Clarifying: "Insulting A Muslim Is An Evil Action And Fighting Him Is Disbelief (Kufr)"

  • 36. Muslim 1-29:Clarifying: Don't Revert To Disbelievers (Kuffâr) After me, Striking One Another's Necks

  • 37. Muslim 1-30: Use Of The Word Kufr With Regard To Slandering People's Lineage And Wailing

  • 38. Muslim 1-31: Calling A Runaway Slave A Kâfir

  • 39. Muslim 1-32: Clarifying The Kufr Of One Who Says: "We Got Rain Because Of The Stars"

  • 40. Muslim 1-33: Evidence That Love Of The Ansar And 'Ali Is A Part Of Faith And A Sign Thereof

  • 41. Muslim 1-34: Clarifying That Faith Decreases With Shortcomings In Obedience, ...

  • 42. Muslim 1-35: Clarifying The Usage Of The Word Kafir For One Who Abandons Salat

  • 43. Muslim 1-36: Clarifying That Faith In Allah Most High Is The Best Of Deeds

  • 44. Muslim 1-37: Clarifying That Shirk Is The Worst Of Sins, And The Worst Sins After Shirk

  • 45. Muslim 1-38: The Major Sins And The Most Serious Of Them

  • 46. Muslim 1-39: The Prohibition Of Pride And Definition Of It

  • 47. Muslim 1-40: Evidence That The One Who Dies Not Associating Anything With Allah Will Enter Paradise

  • 48. Muslim 1-41: The Prohibition Of Killing A Disbeliever After He Says La ilâha illallâh

  • 49. Muslim 1-42: The Saying Of The Prophet (PBUH): "Whoever Bears Weapons Against Us Is Not One Of Us"

  • 50. Muslim 1-43: The Saying Of The Prophet (PBUH): "Whoever Deceives Us Is Not One Of Us"

  • 51. Muslim 1-44: The Prohibition Of Striking One's Cheeks And Calling With The Calls Of Jahiliyyah

  • 52. Muslim 1-45: Clarifying The Emphatic Prohibition Of An-Namimah (Malicious Gossip)

  • 53. Muslim 1-46: Clarifying The Emphatic Prohibition Of Letting One's Garment Hang Below The Ankles

  • 54. Muslim 1-47: Clarifying The Emphatic Prohibition Against Killing Oneself; ...

  • 55. Muslim 1-48: Emphatic Prohibition Against Stealing From The Spoils Of War; ..

  • 56. Muslim 1-49: The Evidence That The One Who Kills Himself Is Not Considered A Disbeliever

  • 57. Muslim 1-50: Wind Which Will Come Just Before Resurrection And Take The Soul Of Believers

  • 58. Muslim 1-51: Encouragement To Hasten To Do Good Deeds Before The Emergence Of The Fitnah

  • 59. Muslim 1-52: The Believer's Fear That His Good Deeds May Be Lost

  • 60. Muslim 1-53: Will A Person Be Punished For His Actions During The Jahiliyah?

  • 61. Muslim 1-54: Islam Destroys That Which Came Before It, As Do Hijrah (Emigration) And Hajj

  • 62. Muslim 1-55: Clarifying The Ruling On The Actions Of A Disbeliever If He Accepts Islam After That

  • 63. Muslim 1-56: Sincerity Of Faith And Its Purity

  • 64. Muslim 1-57: Allah, Allows A Person's Thoughts And Whatever Occurs In His Heart, .....

  • 65. Muslim 1-58: Allah Allows A Person's Thoughts & ... So Long As They Do Not Become Established

  • 66. Muslim 1-59: If A Person Thinks Of Doing A Good Deed It Will Be Recorded For Him, ....

  • 67. Muslim 1-60: Clarifying The Waswasah (Whispers, Bad Thoughts) With Regard To Faith, ...

  • 68. Muslim 1-61: Warning Of The Fire For The One Who Swears A False Oath .....

  • 69. Muslim 1-62: The Blood Of One Who Alms To Seize Other People's Wealth ...

  • 70. Muslim 1-63: One In Charge Of A Matter, Who Cheats His Subjects, Deserves The Fire

  • 71. Muslim 1-64: The Disappearance Of Honesty And Faith From Some Hearts And Appearance Of Fitnah..

  • 72. Muslim 1-65: Clarifying That Islam Started As Something Strange, .....

  • 73. Muslim 1-66: The Disappearance Of Faith At The End Of Time

  • 74. Muslim 1-67: Permissibility Of Concealing One's Faith In The Case Of Fear

  • 75. Muslim 1-68: Being Kind To One For Whose Faith There Is Concern Because It Is Weak; ...

  • 76. Muslim 1-69: Increasing The Heart's Tranquility With The Appearance of Evidence

  • 77. Muslim 1-70: Obligation Of Believing That The Message Of Our Prophet Muhammad Is For All People, ..

  • 78. Muslim 1-71: The Descent Of 'Eisa Bin Mariam To Judge According To Shari'ah Of Prophet Muhammad

  • 79. Muslim 1-72: Clarifying The Time When Faith Will No Longer Be Accepted

  • 80. Muslim 1-73: The Beginning Of The Revelation To The Messenger Of Allah (PBUH)

  • 81. Muslim 1-74: The Night Journey On Which The Prophet (PBUH) Was Taken Up Into The Heavens..

  • 82. Muslim 1-75: Mentioning Al-Masih Son of Mariam and Al-MasIh Ad-Dajjâl

  • 83. Muslim 1-76: About Sidrat Al-Muntahâ (The Lote-Tree of the Utmost Boundary)

  • 84. Muslim 1-77: Did The Prophet (PUBH) See His Lord On The Night Of The Isrâ'?

  • 85. Muslim 1-78: The Saying Of The Prophet (PUBH) : "Light, How Could I See Him?" And: "I Saw Light"

  • 86. Muslim 1-79: The Saying Of The Prophet (PUBH): "Allah Does Not Sleep" And "His Veil Is Light, ...

  • 87. Muslim 1-80: Affirming That The Believers Will See Their Lord (Allah), In The Hereafter

  • 88. Muslim 1-81: Knowing About The Seeing

  • 89. Muslim 1-82: Intercession And Bringing Those Who Believed In Tawhid Out Of The Fire

  • 90. Muslim 1-83: The Last Of The People Of The Fire To Be Brought Out Of It

  • 91. Muslim 1-84: The Status Of The Lowest People In Paradise

  • 92. Muslim 1-85: Saying Of The Prophet: I Will Be The First Of people To Intercede Concerning Paradise

  • 93. Muslim 1-86: The Prophet (PUBH) Will Defer His Supplication In Order To Intercede For His Ummah

  • 94. Muslim 1-87: Supplication Of The Prophet For His Ummah And His Weeping Out Of Compassion For Them

  • 95. Muslim 1-88: Clarifying That Whoever Died Upon Disbelief Then He Is In The Fire, ...

  • 96. Muslim 1-89: Regarding The Saying Of Allah, The Most High: "And Warn Your Tribe Of Near Kindred"

  • 97. Muslim 1-90: Intercession Of The Prophet For Abu Talib & The Reduction Of His Punishment As A Result

  • 98. Muslim 1-91: The Least Severely Punished Of The People Of The Fire

  • 99. Muslim 1-92: The Evidence That Whoever Dies Upon Disbelief, No Good Deed Will Benefit Him

  • 100. Muslim 1-93: Allegiance To The Believers, And Forsaking Others And Disavowing Them

  • 101. Muslim 1-94: The Evidence That Groups Of Muslims Will Enter Paradise Without Being Called To Account

  • 102. Muslim 1-95: Clarifying That This Ummah Will Form Half Of The People Of Paradise

  • 103. Muslim 1-96: Allah Will Say To Adam: "Bring Out The Portion Of The Fire; 999 Out Of Every Thousand

  • 104. Muslim 2-1: The Virtue Of Wudu

  • 105. Muslim 2-2: The Obligation Of Purifying Oneself For The Salat

  • 106. Muslim 2-3: The Description of Wudu' And Its Perfection

  • 107. Muslim 2-4: The Virtue Of Performing Wudu' And Salât

  • 108. Muslim 2-5: The Five Daily Prayers, ... Are An Expiation For Whatever (Sins) Come In Between, ....

  • 109. Muslim 2-6: Adh-Dhikr (The Remembrance) Which Is Recommended Following Wudu

  • 110. Muslim 2-7: Another Description Of Wudu

  • 111. Muslim 2-8: Odd Numbers When Rinsing The Nose And Cleaning Oneself With Pebbles (Istijmâr)

  • 112. Muslim 2-9: The Obligation Of Washing The Feet Completely

  • 113. Muslim 2-10: The Obligation Of Completely Washing All The Parts To Be Washed When Purifying Oneself

  • 114. Muslim 2-11: Sins Exit With The Water Of Wudu

  • 115. Muslim 2-12: Recommendation To Increase The Area Washed For The Forehead, Arms And Legs Well at Wudu

  • 116. Muslim 2-13: Adornment (In The Hereafter) Will Reach As Far As The Wudu Reached

  • 117. Muslim 2-14: Virtue Of Isbaghil-Wudu (Performing Wudu Properly) When It's Difficult To Do

  • 118. Muslim 2-15: Hadith About Siwâk (Tooth-Stick)

  • 119. Muslim 2-16: The Characteristics Of The Fitrah

  • 120. Muslim 2-17: Cleaning Oneself After Relieving Oneself

  • 121. Muslim 2-18: The Prohibition Of Cleaning Oneself With The Right Hand

  • 122. Muslim 2-19: Starting On The Right When Purifying Oneself And In Other Matters

  • 123. Muslim 2-20: The Prohibition Of Relieving Oneself In The Street Or In The Shade

  • 124. Muslim 2-21: Cleaning Oneself With Water After Defecating

  • 125. Muslim 2-22: Wiping Over The kuff (Leather Socks)

  • 126. Muslim 2-23: Wiping Over The Forehead And The 'Imâmah

  • 127. Muslim 2-24: Time-Limit For Wiping Over The Kuff

  • 128. Muslim 2-25: The Permissibility Of Performing All The Prayers With One Wudu

  • 129. Muslim 2-26: Disliked For The Person Who Wants To Perform Wudu,. To Put His Hand In The Vessel ....

  • 130. Muslim 2-27: Ruling On What Was Licked By A Dog

  • 131. Muslim 2-28: The Prohibition Of Urinating Into Standing Water

  • 132. Muslim 2-29: Prohibition Of Performing Ghusl In Standing Water

  • 133. Muslim 2-30: The Obligation To Wash Away Urine & Other Impurities If They Result In The Masjid, ...

  • 134. Muslim 2-31: The Ruling On The Urine Of A Nursing Infant And How To Wash It

  • 135. Muslim 2-32: The Ruling On Semen

  • 136. Muslim 2-33: The Impurity Of Blood And How To Wash It

  • 137. Muslim 2-34: The Evidence That Urine Is Impure And The Obligation To Take Precautions Concerning It

  • 138. Muslim 3-1: Touching A Menstruating Woman Above The Izâr (Waist Wrapper)

  • 139. Muslim 3-2: Lying Down With A Menstruating Woman Under A Single Cover

  • 140. Muslim 3-3: For A Menstruating Woman, ....Regarding Reclining In Her Lap And Reciting Qur'ân

  • 141. Muslim 3-4: Madhi (Prostatic Fluid)

  • 142. Muslim 3-5: Washing The Face And Hands When Waking From Sleep

  • 143. Muslim 3-6: It Is Permissible For One Who Is Junub To Sleep, But Recommended To Perform Wudu..

  • 144. Muslim 3-7: Women Are Obliged To Perform Ghusl If They Emit Fluid

  • 145. Muslim 3-8: Description Of The (Fluid) Of The Man And Woman; The Child Is Created..

  • 146. Muslim 3-9: Description Of Ghusl In The Case Of Janâbah (Sexual Impurity)

  • 147. Muslim 3-10: Amount Of Water With Which It Is Recommended To Perform Ghusl In Case Of Janâbah;...

  • 148. Muslim 3-11: It Is Recommended To Pour Water Over The Head, And Elsewhere, Three Times

  • 149. Muslim 3-12: Ruling On The Braids Of A Woman Who Is Doing Ghusl

  • 150. Muslim 3-13: It Is Recommended For The Woman Who Is Performing Ghusl Following Menses To Apply....

  • 151. Muslim 3-14: The Ghusl And The Prayer For A Woman Who Is Suffering Prolonged Vaginal Bleeding

  • 152. Muslim 3-15: A Menstruating Woman Is Obliged To Make Up Missed Fasts But Not Prayers

  • 153. Muslim 3-16: Covering Oneself With A Garment And The Like While Performing Ghusl

  • 154. Muslim 3-17: The Prohibition Of Looking At 'Awrah

  • 155. Muslim 3-18: It Is Permissible To Bathe Naked When One Is Alone

  • 156. Muslim 3-19: Taking Care To Conceal One's 'Awrah

  • 157. Muslim 3-20: Screening Oneself When Urinating

  • 158. Muslim 3-21: Intercourse Did Not Necessitate Ghusl Unless Semen Was Emitted, That Was Abrogated..

  • 159. Muslim 3-22: Abrogation Of "Water Is For Water," And That It Is Obligatory To Perform Ghusl....

  • 160. Muslim 3-23: Performing Wudu After Eating Something That Has Been Touched By Fire

  • 161. Muslim 3-24: Abrogation Of Wudu For That Which Has Been Touched By Fire

  • 162. Muslim 3-25: (Performing) Wudu After Eating Camel Meat

  • 163. Muslim 3-26: Evidence That If A Person Is Certain That He Is In A State Of Purity, ....

  • 164. Muslim 3-27: Hides Of Dead Animals Are Purified By Tanning

  • 165. Muslim 3-28: Tayammum (ablution using a purified sand or dust)

  • 166. Muslim 3-29: Evidence That The Muslim Does Not Become Impure

  • 167. Muslim 3-30: Remembering Allah, The Most High, When One Is Sexually Impure, And At Other Times

  • 168. Muslim 3-31: Permissible For One Who Has Broken His Wudu To Eat,..Wudu Need Not Be Done Immediately

  • 169. Muslim 3-32: What Should Be Said When Entering The Area In Which One Relieves Himself

  • 170. Muslim 3-33: Evidence That Sleeping While Sitting Does Not Invalidate Wudu

  • 171. Muslim 4-1: The Beginning Of The Adhan

  • 172. Muslim 4-2: The Command To Say The Phrases Of The Adhân Twice And The Phrases Of The Iqâmah Once..

  • 173. Muslim 4-3: Description Of The Adhan

  • 174. Muslim 4-4: It Is Recommended To Have Two Mu'adhdin In A Single Masjid

  • 175. Muslim 4-5: Permissible For A Blind Man To Call Adjhân So Long As There Is A Man With Him Who Sees

  • 176. Muslim 4-6: Refraining From Attacking People In Dâr Al-Kufr If the Adhân Is Heard Among Them

  • 177. Muslim 4-7: It Is Recommended For The One Who Hears The Mu'addhhin To Repeat His Words,...

  • 178. Muslim 4-8: The Virtue Of The Adhân, And The Shaitan Flees When He Hears It

  • 179. Muslim 4-9: It Is Recommended To Raise Hands Level With Shoulders When Saying The Opening Takbir..

  • 180. Muslim 4-10: Affirming The Takbir For Every Movement Up Or Down In Prayer, Except Rising From Ruku..

  • 181. Muslim 4-11: Obligatory To Recite Al-Fâtihah In Every Rak'ah; If A Person Cannot Recite Al-Fatihah..

  • 182. Muslim 4-12: Prohibiting The Follower From Reciting Aloud Behind An Imâm

  • 183. Muslim 4-13: The Proof Of Those Who Say That The Basmalah Should Not Be Recited Aloud

  • 184. Muslim 4-14: Proof Of Say Bismillah Is A Verse At The Beginning Of Every Surah, Except At-Tawbah

  • 185. Muslim 4-15: Placing Right Hand On The Left After Saying The Opening Takbir, Beneath The Chest And.

  • 186. Muslim 4-16: The Tashah-hud In The Prayer

  • 187. Muslim 4-17: Sending Salât Upon The Prophet (PBUH) After The Tashah-hud

  • 188. Muslim 4-18: Saying "Sami'a Allâhu liman hamidah", "Rabbanâ wa lakal-hamd", and "Amin

  • 189. Muslim 4-19: Following The Imâm

  • 190. Muslim 4-20: The Prohibition Of Preceding The Imâm In Saying The Takbir Or Anything Else

  • 191. Muslim 4-21:If Imâm Experiences An Excuse, From Illness, Or etc, He May Appoint ..

  • 192. Muslim 4-22: The Congregation Appointing Someone To Lead Them If The Imâm Is Delayed..

  • 193. Muslim 4-23: Men Saying The Tasbih And Women Clapping If They Notice Anything During The Prayer

  • 194. Muslim 4-24: The Command To Perform The Prayer Properly, To Complete It, And To Have Khushu In It.

  • 195. Muslim 4-25: The Prohibition Of Preceding The Imâm While Bowing, Prostrating And So On

  • 196. Muslim 4-26: The Prohibition On Lifting One's Gaze To The Heavens When in Salât

  • 197. Muslim 4-27: The Command To Be Calm During Prayer And The Prohibition Of Gesturing With One's Hand..

  • 198. Muslim 4-28: Straightening The Rows; The Virtue Of The Front Row And Then The Next; ..

  • 199. Muslim 4-29: Command To Women Who Are Praying Behind Men Not To Raise Their Heads From Prostration..

  • 200. Muslim 4-30: Women Going Out To The Masjid So Long As No Fitnah Results From That;..

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