Sahih Muslim – English Books

Sahih Muslim is a collection of hadith compiled by Imam Muslim ibn al-Hajjaj al-Naysaburi(rahimahullah). His collection is considered to be one of the most authentic collections of the Sunnah of the Prophet, and along with Sahih al-Bukhari forms the “Sahihain,” or the “Two Sahihs.” It contains roughly 7500 hadith (with repetitions) in 43 books. The translation provided here is by Abdul Hamid Siddiqui.

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  • 2. Sahih Muslim : Book 1 The Book of Faith (English)

  • 3. Sahih Muslim : Book 2 The Book of Purification (English)

  • 4. Sahih Muslim : Book 3 The Book of Menstruation (English)

  • 5. Sahih Muslim : Book 4 The Book of Prayers (English)

  • 6. Sahih Muslim : Book 4 The Book of Prayers (English) Part 2

  • 7. Sahih Muslim : Book 5 The Book of Zakat (English)

  • 8. Sahih Muslim : Book 6 The Book of Fasting (English)

  • 9. Sahih Muslim : Book 7 The Book of Pilgrimage (English)

  • 10. Sahih Muslim : Book 8 The Book of Marriage (English)

  • 11. Sahih Muslim : Book 9 The Book of Divorce (English)

  • 12. Sahih Muslim : Book 10 The Book of Transactions (English)

  • 13. Sahih Muslim : Book 11 The Book Pertaining to The Rules of Inheritance (English)

  • 14. Sahih Muslim : Book 12 The Book of Gifts (English)

  • 15. Sahih Muslim : Book 13 The Book of Bequests (English)

  • 16. Sahih Muslim : Book 14 The Book of Vows (English)

  • 17. Sahih Muslim : Book 15 The Book of Oaths (English)

  • 18. Sahih Muslim : Book 16 The Book Pertaining to The Oath (English)

  • 19. Sahih Muslim : Book 17 The Book Pertaining to Punishments Prescribed by Islam (English)

  • 20. Sahih Muslim : Book 18 The Book Pertaining to Judicial Decisions (English)

  • 21. Sahih Muslim : Book 19 The Book of Jihad and Expedition (English)

  • 22. Sahih Muslim : Book 20 The Book on Government (English)

  • 23. Sahih Muslim : Book 21 The Book of Games and The Animals Which May Be Slaughtered (English)

  • 24. Sahih Muslim : Book 22 The Book of Sacrifices (English)

  • 25. Sahih Muslim : Book 23 The Book of Drinks (English)

  • 26. Sahih Muslim : Book 24 The Book Pertaining to Clothes and Decoration (English)

  • 27. Sahih Muslim : Book 25 The Book on General Behavior (English)

  • 28. Sahih Muslim : Book 26 The Book on Salutations and Greetings (English)

  • 29. Sahih Muslim : Book 27 The Book Concerning the Use of Correct Words (English)

  • 30. Sahih Muslim : Book 28 The Book of Poetry (English)

  • 31. Sahih Muslim : Book 29 The Book of Vision (English)

  • 32. Sahih Muslim : Book 30 The Book Pertaining to The Excellent Qualities of The Holy Prophet (English)

  • 33. Sahih Muslim :Book 31 Pertaining to The Merits Of The Companions of The Holy Prophet (English)

  • 34. Sahih Muslim : Book 32 The Book of Virtue, Good Manners (English)

  • 35. Sahih Muslim : Book 33 The Book of Destiny (English)

  • 36. Sahih Muslim : Book 34 The Book of Knowledge (English)

  • 37. Sahih Muslim : Book 35 The Book To The Remembrance Of Allah, Supplication, Repentance (English)

  • 38. Sahih Muslim : Book 36 The Book of Heart Melting Traditions (English)

  • 39. Sahih Muslim : Book 37 The Book Pertaining to Repentance and Exhortation to Repentance (English)

  • 40. Sahih Muslim : Book 38 Pertaining to The Characteristics of The Hypocrites (English)

  • 41. Sahih Muslim :Book 39 The Book Description of The Day of Judgement, Paradise and Hell (English)

  • 42. Sahih Muslim : Book 40 The Book Paradise, Its Description, Its Bounties and Its Intimates (English)

  • 43. Sahih Muslim : Book 41 The Book Pertaining to The Turmoil and Portents of The Last Hour (English)

  • 44. Sahih Muslim : Book 42 The Book Pertaining to Piety and Softening of Hearts (English)

  • 45. Sahih Muslim : Book 43 The Book of Commentary (English)


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