- Speakers: , Imam Ibnul Qayyim, . Shaykh Dr Saleh as Saleh
- Category: - ,ZIKR
- Language: ENGLISH
By Dr Saleh as Saleh rahimahullah taken from the book of Imaam ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyya rahimahullah “Al-Wabil as-Sayyib”. Benefits of Dhikr/Remembrance:
1. Drives away/subdues shaytaan
2. Pleases Allah Ar-Rahman
3. Removes distress and worries from the Heart and brings instead pleasure and motivation
4. Strengthens Heart and Body
5. Lights up the Face and the Heart
6. Brings sustenance
7. Gives appearance of dignity, respect to the person
8. Brings forth Love, which is the essence of the Religion
9. Causes the person to be observant of Allah (Ihsan)
10. Leads the person to return (inaba) to Allah ta’alaa
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