- Speaker: Various
- Category: -GENOCIDE-Terrorism
- Language: ENGLISH
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1. ISIS DOUBT DESTROYED: Burning Captives of War due to Qisaas
2. BBC Interview with Abu Khadeejah regarding Terrorist Attacks in Paris, Salafism & Women in Islam
3. Refuting the principles of the Khawarij - Abu Khadeejah
4. ISIS are NOT upon the Prophetic Methodology of Muhammad ﷺ
5. The Destructive Ideology of the Khawarij - Abdulilah Lahmami
6. Refutation of Abu Waleed by Abdulilah Lahmami (hafidahullah)
7. Doubt Destroyed: Saudi King is Kafir due to Ribba Banks!
8. Refuting the Kharijee understanding of Hukm belonging to Allah
9. The Understanding of the Salaf regarding the Rulers!
10. O Khawarij Ibn Taymiyyah is against you and not with you!
11. Refutation of the Khawarij who call the Salafis Murjia!
12. Refutation of Hizb Ut Tahrir and Omar Bakri who deny Hadeeth Ahad
13. Hizb Ut-Tahrir are the Mu'tazila of Today! - Abdulilah Lahmami
14. Refuting the Arguments of the Takfiris regarding KSA and the King
15. The Correct Methodology Concering Takfeer - Abdulilah Lahmami
16. The Foolish "Khilafa Debate" - Abu Khadeejah
17. Ignorance Will Cause the Doubts of ISIS & Their Fake State to Deceive You
18. The Takfiri is like the Ungrateful Wife - Abdulilah Lahmami
19. Refutation of the Dawah Call of the Khawarij Takfiris - Abu Hakeem
20. Illegitimate ISIS Give The True Islamic Caliphate A Bad Name!
21. Refutation of Abu Hamza, Abu Qatada and Takfiri Double Standards
22. A Refutation of the Contemporary Figureheads of the Khawarij
23. None of the Groups Fighting in Iraq and Syria are Salafi!
24. Saudi Arabia Backs ISIS?! - Abu Khadeejah
25. The Actions of the Khawarij (ISIS & JAN) vs. The Sunnah
26. ISIS is a terrorist organization! - Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee
27. Nonsense Refuted: The "Real Scholars" Are In Prison?!
28. Hearing & Obeying Ruler - Illuminati - Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis
29. Understanding the Incident of Hatib Ibn Abi Balta'ah & A Refutation of the Khawarij
30. The Law of Allah in His Creation: Tyrannical Rulers, Revolutions, ISIS, Doubts, Devine Decree
31. Combat The Khawarij (ISIS, JAN, AL-QAEDA, BOKO HARAM et al.) & Spread A Leaflet