Refutation of the Khawarij/Takfiris by Salafi Scholars and Students of Knowledge

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  • 1. ISIS DOUBT DESTROYED: Burning Captives of War due to Qisaas

  • 2. BBC Interview with Abu Khadeejah regarding Terrorist Attacks in Paris, Salafism & Women in Islam

  • 3. Refuting the principles of the Khawarij - Abu Khadeejah

  • 4. ISIS are NOT upon the Prophetic Methodology of Muhammad ﷺ

  • 5. The Destructive Ideology of the Khawarij - Abdulilah Lahmami

  • 6. Refutation of Abu Waleed by Abdulilah Lahmami (hafidahullah)

  • 7. Doubt Destroyed: Saudi King is Kafir due to Ribba Banks!

  • 8. Refuting the Kharijee understanding of Hukm belonging to Allah

  • 9. The Understanding of the Salaf regarding the Rulers!

  • 10. O Khawarij Ibn Taymiyyah is against you and not with you!

  • 11. Refutation of the Khawarij who call the Salafis Murjia!

  • 12. Refutation of Hizb Ut Tahrir and Omar Bakri who deny Hadeeth Ahad

  • 13. Hizb Ut-Tahrir are the Mu'tazila of Today! - Abdulilah Lahmami

  • 14. Refuting the Arguments of the Takfiris regarding KSA and the King

  • 15. The Correct Methodology Concering Takfeer - Abdulilah Lahmami

  • 16. The Foolish "Khilafa Debate" - Abu Khadeejah

  • 17. Ignorance Will Cause the Doubts of ISIS & Their Fake State to Deceive You

  • 18. The Takfiri is like the Ungrateful Wife - Abdulilah Lahmami

  • 19. Refutation of the Dawah Call of the Khawarij Takfiris - Abu Hakeem

  • 20. Illegitimate ISIS Give The True Islamic Caliphate A Bad Name!

  • 21. Refutation of Abu Hamza, Abu Qatada and Takfiri Double Standards

  • 22. A Refutation of the Contemporary Figureheads of the Khawarij

  • 23. None of the Groups Fighting in Iraq and Syria are Salafi!

  • 24. Saudi Arabia Backs ISIS?! - Abu Khadeejah

  • 25. The Actions of the Khawarij (ISIS & JAN) vs. The Sunnah

  • 26. ISIS is a terrorist organization! - Shaykh Muhammad bin Haadee

  • 27. Nonsense Refuted: The "Real Scholars" Are In Prison?!

  • 28. Hearing & Obeying Ruler - Illuminati - Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis

  • 29. Understanding the Incident of Hatib Ibn Abi Balta'ah & A Refutation of the Khawarij

  • 30. The Law of Allah in His Creation: Tyrannical Rulers, Revolutions, ISIS, Doubts, Devine Decree

  • 31. Combat The Khawarij (ISIS, JAN, AL-QAEDA, BOKO HARAM et al.) & Spread A Leaflet


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