- Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem
- Category: - RAMADAN
- Language: ENGLISH
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1. Ramadan Trailer - Cross questions, Straight answers - Assim al hakeem
2. What is the best answer to someone who asks: Why do Muslims fast? - Assim al hakeem
3. Fasting is obligatory upon whom and from what age must a child begin to fast? - Assim al hakeem
4. Does every fasting person get the reward of fasting? - Assim al hakeem
5. Are the consequences of leaving fasts just like Salah? Will it lead to kufr? - Assim al hakeem
6. What does it mean Quran was revealed in Ramadan, does it mean the first revelation?- Assim al hakeem
7. What is taraweeh, difference between taraweeh& tahajjud, should I pray Witr with Imam- Assimalhakeem
8. If devils are chained, how come sins are still being committed around us?- Assim al hakeem
9. Is Ramadan divided into 3 parts: Mercy, Forgiveness & Freedom from Hellfire? - Assim al hakeem
10. Should the night of qadr (laylatul qadr) be spent in the masjid or at home? - Assim al hakeem
11. What is laylatul qadr, what deeds to do in this night, was Quran revealed completely in this night?
12. How should we congratulate each other on Ramadan? - Assim al hakeem
13. If one missed fard fasts & dies, do family members have to fast on their behalf - Assim al hakeem
14. Muslims who are careless about their prayers in Ramadan & waste time in roaming etc- Assim al hakeem
15. When is the best time in Ramadan when dua is answered? - Assim al hakeem
16. While fasting if a person lies, backbites, listens to music would his fast be accepted-Assimalhakeem
17. How was the iftar of the salaf? Did they also feast like we do today? - Assim al hakeem
18. Motivating factors to fast in hot weather and longer hours - Assim al hakeem
19. Can a person use injections while fasting? - Assim al hakeem
20. If just before iftar a woman gets her period, is this fast counted? - Assim al hakeem
21. Does swallowing saliva, mucus, traces of blood break your fast? - Assim al hakeem
22. Are vacations and work trips counted as travel to skip fasting? - Assim al hakeem
23. Does reflux (vomit) that comes out of the throat break your fast? - Assim al hakeem
24. Giving food 4 iftar gets one the reward of a fasting person,is it even1 bite or a meal?Aasimalhakeem
25. Is brushing teeth, mouth freshner or chewing gum allowed while fasting? - Assim al hakeem
26. What are the best food for iftar and suhoor to keep one energised? - Assim al hakeem
27. Would laylatul qadr(night of decree)take place across the globe at the same time? - Assim al hakeem
28. What level of intimacy with your spouse is allowed or not allowed during fasting? - Assim al hakeem
29. Is khatam of Quran in taraweeh & qiyam from the Sunnah? - Assim al hakeem
30. I am pregnant, how do I go about Ramadan: fasts, prayers, taraweeh? - Assim al hakeem
31. Should I make up the fasts that I missed during my non practicing days? - Assim al hakeem
32. What is the most recommended act of worship to perform in Ramadan? - Assim al hakeem
33. What is the expiation (kaffara) for doing masturbation while fasting? - Assim al hakeem
34. I have exams during Ramadan, can I skip some fasts and make them up later? - Assim al hakeem
35. What are the things that break your fast? - Assim al hakeem
36. Are eye drops, ear drops and nose drops permissible while fasting? - Assim al hakeem
37. Under what emergency situations can one break an obligatory (fard) fast? - Assim al hakeem
38. How to train kids and encourage new muslims to start fasting Ramadan? - Assim al hakeem
39. I am diabetic, can I take insulin shots during fasting? - Assim al hakeem
40. Does using inhalers affect the fast of asthma patients? - Assim al hakeem
41. How should one taste food for salt etc without breaking the fast & how many times is OK-Assimalhakee
42. Can one break their fast while traveling by plane, train or car? - Assim al hakeem
43. Do pieces after using Miswak or tiny food particles in teeth break my fast? - Assim al hakeem
44. What if Muazzin is late in giving athan: should we rely on watches more than Muazzin- Assim AlHakeem
45. Does it break the fast if some water reaches one's throat during wudu? - Assim al hakeem
46. Follow astronomical calculations or sight the moon by the naked eye? - Assim al hakeem
47. Must we make niyyah(intention) of fasting in Ramadan aloud & is eating suhoor must?- Assim al hakeem
48. Hadith which says 'All previous sins will be forgiven' in Ramadan refers to minor or even major sins
49. I began 29th Day of fasting & traveled to a country celebrating eid, should I break my fast? - Assim
50. Majority of muslims have no savings today, what is their zakat in this case? - Assim al hakeem
51. Combining intentions of missed days of Ramadan with Mondays, Thursdays, white days, Ashura, Arafah
52. Is it a must to pay zakat in Ramadan? Difference between zakat & zakat ul fitr? - Assim al hakeem
53. Sexual intercourse during fasting in Ramadan and it's expiation (Kaffara) - Assim al hakeem
54. Traveling from a country to another while fasting, when should I break my fast? - Assim al hakeem
55. How to advice people to maintain oral hygiene while fasting as smell from mouth is offensive - Assim
56. Are people who work in scorching heat exempted from fasting? - Assim al hakeem
57. What is the best place to pray qiyam in Ramadan?Is praying it at masjid innovation - Assim al hakeem