How the Prophet dealt with Sinful Believers | Shaykh Muhammad Nasir ad-Din al-Albani

How the Prophet dealt with Sinful Believers | Shaykh Muhammad Nasir ad-Din al-Albani
Shaykh: The ḥadīth came to mind wherein a man approached the Prophet ﷺ and said:
“O’ messenger of Allah, I entered a garden surrounded by walls. I then encountered a woman therein and done with her what a man does with his wife except that I didn’t have intercourse with her”.
The Prophet ﷺ then said:
[shaykh becomes over whelmed]
“Did you pray the congregational Salāt with us?”.
The man replied: “Yes”.
Then Allah revealed the verse:
“Indeed the ḥasanāt [good deeds] expiate the bad deeds” (Hūd:114).
……. in addition to your acknowledgement that you committed such-and-such sin, pray my dear brother! Indeed the good deeds expiate the bad deeds. This procedure is an Islamic legislation, it is not an innovated (bid’a) procedure as I indicated to regarding other issues.
I’ll also mention, while we are on the subject ,a young man approached the Prophet ﷺ and said: “O’ messenger of Allah, give me permission to fornicate”.
The Prophet ﷺ replied: “would you approve of that happening to your mother?”
The young man replied: “No!”
The Prophet ﷺ then said: “Likewise, people do not approve of that happening to their mothers”. He ﷺ continued: “would you approve of that happening to your sister?”.
The young man replied: “No!”.
The Prophet ﷺ then said: “likewise, people do not approve of that happening to their sisters”.
The Prophet ﷺ then placed his hand on the young man’s chest and supplicated: “O’ Allah protect his private parts from fornication and purify his soul”.

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  • 1. How the Prophet dealt with Sinful Believers | Shaykh Muhammad Nasir ad-Din al-Albani


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