Latest DUA Videos
get rid of jinn and shaytaan from your home -using this surah
- Speaker: Reading - Recitation
- Categories: DUA, RUQYA
Listen Daily to Solve all your Life Problems inshallah
- Speaker: Reading - Recitation
- Categories: DUA, RUQYA
ruqyah,ayat ruqyahCure for Black Magic, Jinn
- Speaker: Reading - Recitation
- Categories: DUA, RUQYA
rogya sharya. most powerful weapon against evil.Ruqyah Syar’iyyah
- Speaker: Reading - Recitation
- Categories: DUA, RUQYA
Surah Waqiah 14 times for Wealth, Job, Rizq
- Speaker: Reading - Recitation
- Categories: DUA
Shaykh Muhammad Sa`eed Raslan-Dua para Damaj
- Speaker: .Alamah Dr Muhammad Saeed Raslan
- Categories: DUA
The Dua to Alleviate Grief, Distress and Anxiety
- Speaker: .Shaykh Hassan Somali
- Categories: DUA
Oh Allah Assist Me! – Abdur Raheem McCarthy
- Speaker: Abdur Raheem McCarthy
- Categories: DUA
The Two Types of Du’aa – Aboo Iyaad Amjad Rafiq
- Speaker: .Shaykh Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafiq
- Categories: DUA
How to protect oneself from Magic by Abu Iyaad
- Speaker: .Shaykh Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafiq
- Categories: DUA, MAGIC
Dua Repels Calamity by Abul Hasan Malik
- Speaker: Abul Hasan Malik al Akhdar