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Every religion that evolved on earth is utter falsehood! | Shaykh Abdurazzak al-Badr


Weakness in aqeedah stems from weakness in imān | Shaykh Muhammad Amān al-Jami


Prophet Ibrahim; The Imām of al-Ḥunafā’ | Shaykh Muhammad b. Hadi


Some of the means of happiness in this life | Shaykh Ali b. Zayd al-Madkhali


Know your enemies O Muslims! | Shaykh Abdullah al-Qusayir


Sins diminish Imān and weaken your religion! | Shaykh Abd’Razzaq al-Badr


A man will flee from his beloved on this day! | Shaykh Muhammad b. Hizām al-Bā’dani


Surely it is death! | Shaykh ‘Uthmān Adh-Dhamārī


This is a question for the one who wants to continue staring at women! | Shaykh Sulayman ar-Ruhayli


If our scroll of deeds was with us, we would lessen our speech!


The Religion of all the Prophets was Islam | Shaykh Saleh Al ashShaykh


My Condolences to You for the Death of Your Time… Shaykh Sa’d al-Shithri


Tahajjud is Bid'ah??!! Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Fawzān al-Fawzān (May Allāh safeguard him)


Sins but loves Allah and His messenger – Shaykh Ṣāliḥ Fawzān al-Fawzān (May Allāh safeguard him)


Repeat this dua daily! Shaykh ‘Abdurrazzāq al-Badr (May Allāh preserve him)


The key to an accepted Du'a – Shaykh Abdussalām al-Shuway'ir (May Allāh preserve him)


You never know when it's your time! Shaykh ‘Abdurrazzāq al-Badr (May Allāh preserve him)


Who are the true Islamic Scholars? Shaykh Salih as-Suhaymi (May Allāh preserve him)


Profit and Seize The Opportunity & Reward in The Last 10 Days & Nights of Ramadan


An Opportunity and Powerful Supplication Not to be Missed in the Last 10 Nights of Ramadan!


Usool ut Tafseer – Shaykh Hafiz Abdul Wahid Umari


Uloom Ul Quran – Shaikh Noorul Hasan Madani


Quran ke Huqooq aur Quran Fahmi – Abu Zaid Zameer


Tajweed – Qari Abdul Mateen Faizi

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