Latest . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem Videos


Diabetic patient unable to fast – Assim al hakeem


Does swallowing food particles invalidate my Prayer (Salah) & Fast? – Assim al hakeem


Fasting is obligatory upon whom and from what age must a child begin to fast? – Assim al hakeem


Does every fasting person get the reward of fasting? – Assim al hakeem


Does swallowing mucus break my fast? – Assim al hakeem


Does eye drops, ear drops and nose drops break our fast? – Assim al hakeem


If one missed fard fasts & dies, do family members have to fast on their behalf – Assim al hakeem


While fasting if a person lies, backbites, listens to music would his fast be accepted-Assimalhakeem


Can Muslims in Sweden (Scandinavian countries) break fast according to Saudi Arabia – Assim al hakeem


When can a traveler stop / break fast, from the house itself or when in flight? – Assim al hakeem


Motivating factors to fast in hot weather and longer hours – Assim al hakeem


Can a person use injections while fasting? – Assim al hakeem


Hadith to delay suhoor and hasten to do iftar (break the fast) – Assim al hakeem


Does taking suppository break your fast? – Assim al hakeem


Is it permissible to taste food while fasting? – Assim al hakeem


Does swallowing saliva, mucus, traces of blood break your fast? – Assim al hakeem


Does reflux (vomit) that comes out of the throat break your fast? – Assim al hakeem


What is the most recommended act of worship to perform in Ramadan? – Assim al hakeem


Under what emergency situations can one break an obligatory (fard) fast? – Assim al hakeem


What are the things that break your fast? – Assim al hakeem


Are eye drops, ear drops and nose drops permissible while fasting? – Assim al hakeem


How to train kids and encourage new muslims to start fasting Ramadan? – Assim al hakeem


Can one break their fast while traveling by plane, train or car? – Assim al hakeem


I am diabetic, can I take insulin shots during fasting? – Assim al hakeem

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