Latest SECTS Videos


Shaykh Raslan Dua For Damaj and Sheikh Yahya answering how to deal with a kharijee neighbour


What do the Scholars say about IkhwaanUl Muslimeen?


SEMINAR: Who Are The Shia & What Is Shi’ism? – Sheikh Uthman Al-Khamees


Beware of this Group – al-Mukhadilyoon | Shaykh Muhammad al-Madkhalee


Shia – By Shaykh ul-Islaam Ibn Taymiyyah


I Lean Towards The Takfeer Of al-Qardawi – Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabri


The Muslim Brotherhood are not from Ahl us Sunnah; they fight against Ahlu sunnah | al-Albânî


al-Albânî about al-Bannâ and al-Ikhwân al-Muslimûn


al-Ikhwân al-Muslimûn only care about positions, parliaments, votes etc | Imâm al-Albânî


The greeting of al-Ikhwân al-Muslimûn


al-Albânî about Qutb, ‘Abdullâh ‘Azzam and al-Ikhwân al-Muslimûn


al-Albânî about ‘Abdullâh ‘Azzâm


Shaykh al-Luhaydan about the Laymen of the sects


Ibn ‘Uthaymîn about the cassette tapes of Safar al-Hawâlî and Salmân al-‘Awdah


We do not Attend the Lectures and Gatherings of Hizbis | Shaykh Muqbil ibn Hadee al-Waadi’ee


Why do the Rafidah hate Abu Hurayrah – Quick answer by Sh Al-Albani


The speech of the Kibaar al-Ulama on Jamaat at-Tabligh


Sheikh Muhammad Naasirud Deen al Albaani on the Tableeq


Refuting the Doubt of the Sufis


Sheikh Salih Ibn Uthaymeen On Sects


Shaykh Falaah Bin Isma’eel’s Encounter With A Goofy Sufi (Funny Story)


Jamâ’at-ut-Tablîgh are the Sûfiyyah of this era


Cooperating with al-Muntadah Islaamiyyah in London – Shaykh ‘Ubayd al-Jaabiree


MUST SEE !! Sufis Stabbing Themselves: A Miracle? | Shaikh al-Albaani

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