Latest .Alamah Dr Saleh al Fawzan Videos


A salafi scholar excuses the graveworshippers for ignorance? | Sh Sālih al Fawzān


Regarding the Houthis who fired a ballistic missile towards Makkah | الشيخ صالح الفوزان


Advice to Those Who Spread the Tapes and Books of the innovators | Shaykh Fawzān


Is it permissible to eat shark and Dolphin? | Sh Sālih al Fawzān


Shaykh Sālih al Fawzān | When is the time for Salatu-l-Layl (optional prayer at night)?


Should Re-Establishing The Caliphate Be Our Goal In Call To Islām | Shaykh Fawzān


Ruling on reading the Qur’an on a mobile phone | Shaykh Sālih al Fawzān


Definition of Emaan | Shaykh Fawzān


Meaning of hadīth-“The best Jihad is a word of truth in front of an oppressive ruler”


Seeking help from the disbelievers out of necessity


Ascribing to the Sunnah is an Obligation | Shaykh Sālih al Fawzān


Ibn Sireen Has No Books About Dreams Interpretation


The Reasons for the Weakness of the Muslim Ummah in this Time Period


The ruling on saying Sadaqa Allāhul Adhīm after reciting the Qur’ān


Sharing Hadīth Without Source Of Reference | Shaykh Fawzān


Bidah that which does not constitute disbelief is greater than Major sin’s | Sh Fawzān


Ramadān: the month of repentance | الشيخ صالح الفوزان حفظه الله


Ramadān: the month of the Qur’ān | Shaykh Sālih al Fawzān


Do i pray magrib first or break my fast first (ramadhan)? Shaykh Sālih al Fawzān


What is your advice for the Muslims with regards to the upcoming month of Ramadan? | Sh Sālih Fawzān


The Sunnah is to fast part of Sha’bān | Sh Sālih al Fawzān


Wasting food and drink in Ramadān by extravagance| Sh Sālih al Fawzān


Why do the Rāfidah curse the companions رضي الله عنهم? | Sh Sālih Fawzān


Are the Hadith authentic regarding the 15the month of shaban | Sh Sālih al Fawzān

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