- Speakers: , ULAMA, Various
- Categories: -GENOCIDE-Terrorism, EXTREMISM- Takfir
May Allah the Exalted be pleased with our Noble Scholars for their tireless and tremendous efforts to promote and spread knowledge about Islam and reward them abundantly, as He, the Almighty, can only reward, Aameen.
May Allah, al-Aleem protect ALL Muslims from the evils of Fitnah, bestow upon them the right knowledge, guide them to the right path and His Pleasure, and give hadayah and correct knowledge to our Misguided Scholars, Aameen.
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1. Knowing about Deviants is a PART of Seeking Knowledge | Shaykh Muhammad bin Hādī Al-Madkhalī
2. Sh Ubayd al Jabiree on wrecklessness of Sh Yahyaa al Hajoori
3. Letter from Shaykh Saleem al-Hilalee to al-Hajooree
4. Why did I become a freemason.? (Adnan Oktar)
5. Deobandi Kufr And Shirk Beliefs Exposed
6. Deviated Groups & Individuals - Part 1 - Ash'aree Soofee Nuh Haa Meem Keller
7. Deviated Groups & Individuals - Part 2 - Refuting Innovators
8. Deviated Groups & Individuals - part 3 - 'small' deviations in aqeedah
9. Deviated Groups & Individuals - part 3A - 'small' deviations in aqeedah
10. Deviated Groups & Individuals - Part 4 - Aqeedah of 'al-Ikhwaanul-Muslimeen'
11. Deviated Groups & Individuals - Part 5 - Umar al-Ashqar & others from the ikwhanul muslimeen
12. 1 - Deviants in the West -
13. 2 - Deviants in the West - Hamza Yusuf, Yasir Qadhi...etc
14. 3 - Deviants in the West - Hamza Yusuf, Yasir Qadhi...etc
15. 4 - Deviants in the West - Hamza Yusuf, Yasir Qadhi...etc
16. 5 - Deviants in the West - Hamza Yusuf, Yasir Qadhi...etc
17. 6 - Deviants in the West - Hamza Yusuf, Yasir Qadhi...etc
18. 7 - Deviants in the West - Hamza Yusuf, Yasir Qadhi...etc
19. 8 - Deviants in the West - Hamza Yusuf, Yasir Qadhi...etc
20. The distinguishing signs of Ahlul-Bid'ah
21. "The Refutation of so and so ..." - Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhalee
22. Shaykh Sālih al Fawzān refutes Jamā'at ut-Tablīgh, Ikhwānul Muslimoon & praises Salafiyyah.
23. Imaam Muqbil on Listening to the Tape of the Innovators
24. Warning Agains 'Abdul-Mun'im, chairman of the QSS 1
25. Warning Agains 'Abdul-Mun'im, chairman of the QSS 2
26. Warning Agains 'Abdul-Mun'im, chairman of the QSS 3
27. When does a person become Hizbee.
28. Shaykh Salih Aal ash-Shaykh - Where Is The Dung From The Camel Oh Ikhwaan ul Muslimeen?
29. Sheikh Muqbil al Waadi on Hamaas.
30. Yusuf Al-Qaradawee Exposed - Part 1 of 2!
31. Yusuf Al-Qaradawee Exposed! - Part 2 of 2
32. The Scholars refutation on the journalist Seyd Qutb
33. Salafi Refutation of Anwar al Awlaki - Part 1
34. Salafi Refutation of Anwar al Awlaki - Part 2
35. Muhammed Madkhalee about Abu Ishaq al-Huwainee
36. Publicizing the Faults of the Governments- Al 'Uthaymeen
37. Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree Warns Against Anwar al-Awlaki PART 2 OF 3
38. Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree Warns Against Anwar al-Awlaki PART 3 OF 3
39. Refuting Qaradhawi: "If Allah was a candidate He would not have been able to take this amount"
40. Shaykh Al 'Uthaymeen- Tawheedul Haakimiyyah & the Nonsense of Shakeel Begg
41. Shaykh Ubayd al-Jabiree about Saalih al-Munajjid the guy with the infamous islamqa site
42. Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan Exposes The Haddaadiyyah
43. جماعة التبليغ من الفرق المبتدعة - الشيخ محمد سعيد رسلان
44. Shaykh Al-Albaanee's Refutation of Hizb ut-Tahrir & Other Sects Who Deviate from the Salafi Manhaj
45. Are the Terrorists of Today the Khawārij ? | Shaikh Fawzaan
46. Ibn 'Uthaymin on Working with other Islamic Groups against False Ideologies like Secularism
47. Shaykh Fawzaan on Ma'ribi // Shaykh Rabee about Ma'ribi & Halabi praising al-Maghrawi
48. The Position Of Shaykh Rabee' Bin Hadi al-Madkhali On Sayyid Qutb
49. Muhammad al-Madkhalî about Muhammad Hassân the Khârijî, al-Halabî, 'Ar'ûr and al-Maghrâwî
50. A Warning Against the Takfiris and Their Revolutionary Ideologies - Shaykh Uthaymeen
51. Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan on Ruling by the Secular Laws & a Rebuttal of the People of Takfir
52. Islam's War on Terror part 1
53. Islam's War on Terror part 2
54. Islam's War on Terror part 3
55. Sh. Salih al-Fawzan - Takferees are the Khawarij - English
56. Imaam al-Albaanee on Suicide Bombings - English
57. Shaykh Abdullah al Ghudayaan on Street Demonstations
58. Osama Bin Laden & Co. REFUTED by Senior Muslim Scholars!! 1 of 2
59. Osama Bin Laden & Co. REFUTED by Senior Muslim Scholars!! 2 of 2
60. Ruling By Other Than What Allaah Revealed - Ibn Katheer 1 of 2
61. Ruling By Other Than What Allah Revealed - Ibn Katheer 2 of 2
62. Fighting Shouldn't Be More Harmful Than Leaving It - Shaikh Suhaymee Hafithahulah
63. Fighting In Times Of Weakness-Ibn Taymiyah Raheemahulah
64. 1/5 osama bin laden gets refuted by hasan as somaalee
65. 2/5 osama bin laden gets refuted by hasan as somaalee
66. 3/5 osama bin laden gets refuted by hasan as somaalee 1
67. 4/5osama bin laden gets refuted by hasan as somaalee
68. 5/5 osama bin laden gets refuted by hasan as somaalee
69. The dawah of the deviant sect ikhwan-ul muslimeen & hasan al-banna (1/2) - [Arabic/English]
70. The dawah of the deviant sect ikhwan-ul muslimeen & hasan al-banna (2/2)
71. The Khalifah, Many Rulers and the Pledge of Allegiance (Bay'ah) - The Scholars Explain
72. Did the dawah of the Mujadid Muhammad Abdul Wahab cause fitnah? [arabic/english]
73. Shaykh Ibn Baaz about Critizing the Muslim Leaders
74. Islaam's View On Suicide Bombings
75. Shaykh Fawzaan "They are worse than Khawaarij" -MUST SEE
76. Distinguishing between legislated politics & modern day politics
77. The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia - Al-Allaamah Muhammad Amaan al-Jaamee [d.1416] Arabic/English
78. Suicide Bombings On The Scales Of Islamic Law - Shaykh al-Albanee
79. Shaykh Al 'Uthaymeen - Ruling by Other than What Allaah has Revealed
80. Shaykh Al uthaymeēn on kufr on ruling by other than the law of sharia
81. 'Abdul 'Aziz Aali-Shaykh on Abandoning the Scholars & Disobeying the Rulers
82. Shaykh Al Albani: Suicide Operations Today Are All Haram
83. Shaykh Al 'Uthaymeen on Suicide Bombing
84. Shaykh Ibn Jibreen on What is Manifest Clear Kufr and Ruling With Secular Laws
85. Labeling People as Murji'ah For Not Making Takfir of the Rulers - Shaykh Al 'Uthaymeen
86. "The greatest Jihâd is to speak a word of truth before an unjust ruler" | al-Fawzân
87. Keyboard Jihadist (Complete Fools!) | Shaykh Muhammed Sa'eed ar-Raslan
88. The true understanding of Jihaad - Abu Hakeem
89. Summary of the Conference 2005 by Abu Hakeem Bilal Davies
90. Deviations of Sufism - Al-Allaamah Muhammad Amaan al-Jaamee [Arabic/English]
91. Evidence Refuting the Sufis who Believe in the Unity of Existence
92. The Prohibition of Exalting Graves
93. Abandoning Ahl ul-Bid'ah [the people of innovation]
94. Can someone be a ''Salafi-Sufi'' - Al-Allaamah Muhammad Amaan al-Jaamee [Arabic/English]
95. MUST SEE !! Sufis Stabbing Themselves: A Miracle? | Shaikh al-Albaani
96. Boycotting and Staying Away from Ahlul Biddah | Shaykh Abdullah al-Bukharee
97. Accompany an Innovator ? | Shaykh Muhammad bin Hâdî al-Madkhalî
98. Those who sit with the innovators are more Dangerous - Shaykh Muhammed al-Madkhalee
99. Ahadeeth and words of the salaf about the danger of innovation and the people of innovation.
100. Do not attend the lessons and gatherings of Ahlul-Biddah | Shaykh Muqbil ibn Hadee al-Waadi'ee
101. Refuting The One Who Errs is a Prophetic Methodology | Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan
102. They Defend the People of Innovation because some Scholars have Praised them
103. The Salaf would not ask about a Man after Knowing Three
104. Muhammad Yaqoubi & Hamza Yusuf MISGUIDED, MISGUIDING OTHERS
105. Shaykh Saalih al Fawzaan Refuting Adnaan Ar'oor's False Principles and advises with boycotting him
106. Who is Muhammad Hassaan Al Misri? Abu Iyaad Amjad Rafiq
107. Ash'aree Soofee - Nuh Haa Meem Keller
108. Refutation of Muhammad Ibn Adam al Kawthari, a Sufi (Soofee) Grave worshipper
109. Shadeed Muhammad's FALSEHOOD Refuted
110. Warning Of Shadeed Muhammad by Shaykh Ubayd al-Jaabri
111. Suhaib Webb and Yasir Qadhi trying to Americanise Islam
112. [ Ar /En] Shaykh Saalih al Fawzaan on the Statements of Muhammad Suroor
113. [AR/EN] Shaykh Albaani: The Issue Of Al Haakimiyyah
114. Shaikh Salih al-Fawzaan on Tawheed ul-Haakimiyyah
115. Scholars who aided the Ummah Against the Plots of the Ikhwaanul Muslimeen
116. Maniac Sufi's Partying in the Name of Islam
117. Nabil Al Awadi likes to read Sayyid Qutbs book...
118. "O Ashari'!" - from Nooniyyah Al Qahtani
119. Is Speaking About the People of Innovation Considered Backbiting?
120. True knowledge - Mustafa George
121. The way of seeking knowledge by Abu Uwais رحمه الله