Imam Abu Haneefah by Shaykh Salih Al Fawzan


The Life & Creed of Imam Abu Haneefah by Shaykh Salih Al Fawzan.
Better known as `Imam-e-`Adham’ (The Greatest Imam), or by his kunyah `Abu Hanifah’, Nu’man ibn Thabit was born in the city of Kufa (modern day Iraq) in the year 80 A.H (689 A.D).� Born into a family of tradesmen, the Imam’s family were of Persian origin as well as descending from the noble Prophet’s (saw) Companion Salman al-Farsi (ra).� Imam Abu Hanifah’s father, Thabit,� had met in Kufa Imam `Ali Ibn Abi Talib (ra) who made dua for him and his progeny, and some say that Abu Hanifah was a result of this dua.
At first, Imam Abu Hanifah was not a student of knowledge.� However, by coincidence, while one day passing by the house of Sha’bi (an acclaimed “Great Scholar among the Successors (rh)”), Abu Hanifah was called in by the shaykh who mistook him for a student.� “Where are you going young man?” asked Sha’bi.� Abu Hanifah named the merchant he was going to see.� “I meant to ask,” asked Sha’bi, “Whose classes you attend?”�� “Nobody’s,” replied the Imam regretfully.� “I see signs of intelligence in you,” began Sha’bi,”you should sit in the company of learned men.”�
The Imam’s quest for knowledge inevitably took him to the Holy Sanctuaries, at a time when Makkah was a busy center for learning.� A number of acknowledged masters of hadith, who had had access to the Prophet’s (saw) Companions (ra) had established their own schools there.� Of these was `Ata bin Rabah’s (rh) school.� `Ata was a famous Tabi’i who had associated with most of the Companions (ra) and acquired from this association a status of authority.� He himself claimed to have met two hundred men who had associated with the Noble Prophet (saw).� The leading Companions (ra) all acknowledged his learning.� Abdullah ibn `Umar (ra), son of the Caliph `Umar (ra) often used to say:”Why do people come to me when `Ata ibn Abi Rabah is there for them to go to?”� Of the other Muhaddithin of Makkah whose classes the Imam attended was `Ikrimah.� He was the slave and pupil of Abdullah ibn `Abbas, who educated him with great care and attention, making him so proficient that he, during his own lifetime gave Imam Abu Hanifah the authority to exercise personal judgement and rulings.� “Imam Abu Hanifah was the first to analyze Islamic jurisprudence, divide it into subjects, distinguish its issues and determine the range and criteria for analytical reasoning (qiyas).”

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  • 1. Imâm Abû Hanîfah, our Imâm, our role model!


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