- Speakers: .Shaykh Abu Hakeem Bilal Davis, Muhammad Al-Bizry
- Category: BIOGRAPHY
- Language: ENGLISH
The Imaam, the scholar, who was known as Ibnul-Qayyim al-Jawziyyah. He was born Muhammad ibn Aboo Bakr ibn Ayyoob az-Zaree ad-Dimashqee, ash-Shamsud-Deen ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah (691 AH-751 A.H). He was born in a town near Damascus, Syria.Snippets from the life of one of Islaam’s greatest scholars – Ibn Qayyim Al-Jawziyyah. This lecture discusses:
– The definition of his name and nick-names
– Why he was called Ibnul-Qayyim
– His pious upbringing
– His father’s influence
– His gifted children
– His journey in seeking knowledge
– The great influence of his shaykh Ibn Taimiyyah
– Imprisonment
– His works & writings
– His personality & manners
– The legacy of the scholars
Download As Audio or Video
1. From the Biography of Ibnul-Qayyim | Muhammad Al-Bizry
2. TALES UNTOLD - Ibn Al Qayyim Al Jawziyyah (7.2.2014) 720p KALEMAH HD
3. Advice of Ibnil-Jawzee by Abu Hakeem Part 1
4. Imaam Ibnul-Jawzee Advises His Son, by Abu Hakeem. Part 2
5. Ibnul Qayyim on The Cause and Effect Of Sins Part1
6. Ibnul Qayyim on The Cause and Effect Of Sins Part2
7. Hasan as-Somali lecture - The advice of Ibn Qayyim to Ahlus Sunnah From His an-nooniyah