Collection- Fatwas (on Women matters) by Salafi Scholars

A Collection of Fatwas (on Women’s matters)

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  • 1. Inspiring Story Of A Sister Who Began Practicing and Shaikh Fawzan's Advice To Her

  • 2. In the West the Islamic dress of a Muslimah draws attention to her, what should one do?

  • 3. Is It Obligatory Upon A Woman To Wear The Jilbab If It Is Difficult For Her In That Country?

  • 4. To show the eyes through a Niqâb?

  • 5. Jilbab or Abayah? Trimming the Eyebrows - Sheikh al-Fawzan (English CC) Text Below

  • 6. The ruling on Decorating a Jilbâb..

  • 7. The Ruling on wearing Colourful Jilbab

  • 8. Jilbâb with dim colours such as dim purple

  • 9. Does Woman have to Wear Black Outdoor Garments?

  • 10. Is it Permissible for a Muslim Woman to Wear Pants or Trousers? - Shaykh Salih al Fawzaan

  • 11. ´Abdul-´Azîz Âl ash-Shaykh about the tight pants of the woman

  • 12. Women wearing pants in front of other women?

  • 13. It is never allowed for a woman to wear pants | Shaykh al-Fawzân

  • 14. The husband orders wife to wear pants only when she is with him

  • 15. The Ruling of Women wearing Trousers

  • 16. Women who wear punjabi clothes | Shaykh al-Fawzân

  • 17. Is Feet of Women Awrah? Shaikh Al-Luhaydaan

  • 18. 5. The Ruling on a Woman uncovering her Hands and Feet in Prayer

  • 19. 1. The Awrah of the Women When it Comes to her Mahrams

  • 20. Shaikh Al-Ghudayaan: Hijaab in front of Cousins..

  • 21. Women wearing tight clothes in front of relatives and in festivities in front of women

  • 22. Women wearing short clothing in front of other women | Sh. Muqbil

  • 23. Women's Voices Being Heard in the Presence of Non-Maharim. Shaikh Ubayd

  • 24. Should Women Warn and Stay away from the People of Innovation | Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan

  • 25. Shaykh Muhammad Ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee on Teaching Women Without Separation

  • 26. Communication Between Men and Women in Seeking Knowledge...!

  • 27. A Lady watching duroos where she can see the Shaykh | Shaykh Dr. Saalih al Fawzaan

  • 28. Imam Ibn Bâz about the prayer of the woman in gloves

  • 29. Woman saying "Âmîn" behind her husband or sons?

  • 30. Question Regarding Menses and the Salah (Arabic/English)

  • 31. Her period lasts for four days and is followed by two weeks of discolored discharge

  • 32. Is the menstruating woman allowed to touch the Musḥaf? • Sh. Muqbil

  • 33. Is it permissible for a woman on her menses to read the Quran? (Arabic/English)

  • 34. Direct touch of the private parts breaks the Wudhoo`

  • 35. Praying following a Miscarriage

  • 36. 6. Women calling the Aadhaan

  • 37. The Woman's Aameen, Adhaan and Iqaamah / Shaykh al-Albaani

  • 38. The Ruling of a woman delaying the Salatul Ishaa' considering to her commitment to her children

  • 39. A Woman Invalidating a Woman's Prayer / Shaykh al-Albaani

  • 40. Fatwa: Shaykh Ubaid al Jaabiree on the Tarawih prayers being performed at home

  • 41. Some sisters don't have time to seek ilm after having children, how can their husbands help them

  • 42. 9. Removing Hair From The Eyebrows

  • 43. The ruling on women painting the eyebrows with Kuhl | Imam Ibn Bâz

  • 44. Mash of the woman over the hair that is coloured with henna

  • 45. The permissibility of women shaving the arms and legs | Imam Ibn Bâz

  • 46. Ruling on applying henna on the middle of the palm and the fingertips | Shaykh al-Fawzân

  • 47. A detailed statement on the issue of women wearing contact lenses/ Shaykh Saalih al-Fawzaan

  • 48. Can the woman beautify her face when going to a festivity?

  • 49. My Parents Command me to Study at University

  • 50. Female Gynaecology Student Taught by Male Teacher. Shaikh Ubaid

  • 51. Ruling on Women Working in a Mixed Environment....

  • 52. The Advice of Shaykh Al-Albaanee to Women Who act Like Men

  • 53. Ruling regarding women's sports | Imâm Ibn Bâz

  • 54. Women saying to men: "I love you for the Sake of Allah!" -Shaykh Zayd al-Madkhalee

  • 55. 4. Women Drivning

  • 56. 006. Fatwa on a woman travelling without a Mahram for the sake of Da'wah

  • 57. Questions and answers with the sisters of Toronto

  • 58. Why are women the majority of the Hell-Fire/ Shaykh 'Adil as-Sayyid

  • 59. The Ruling of Wearing Socks in Salaah for Women (with details) | Sh. Ibn Baaz


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