Major Salafi Scholars Of Ahl-us-Sunnah

May Allah the Exalted be pleased with our Noble Scholars for their tireless and tremendous efforts to promote and spread knowledge about Islam and reward them abundantly, as He, the Almighty, can only reward, Aameen.

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  • 1. The Conflict in Palestine | al-Albânî

  • 2. Saying "I am Salafî", when is it, and when is it not allowed? | Sh Ibn 'Uthaymîn

  • 3. The belief of Salafiyyah according to Ibn Uthaymîn (rahimullah)

  • 4. "Refutations of Ahl-ul-Bid'ah (people of innovation) are a waste of time" | Sh al-Fawzân

  • 5. The good backbiting & books of refutations | Sh al-Fawzân

  • 6. Do Salafis enter political parties | al-Fawzân

  • 7. al-Fawzân's advice to youth who issue Fatâwâ without knowledge.

  • 8. Condemning the leaders publicly, Is there any disagreement on the issue? | Sh al-Fawzân.flv

  • 9. Sh Ibn Uthaymîn about the Saudi Arabian government

  • 10. Ruling regarding womens sports | Imâm Ibn Bâz

  • 11. "There are disagreements on the issue and other opinions" | Sh al-Fawzân

  • 12. Those who attempt to prove suicide attacks using the story of the Boy & the King | al-Fawzân

  • 13. Give them money and they will be pleased with the rulers | Shaykh Muqbil

  • 14. What happened to Egypt after the revolution? | Sh al-Luhaydân

  • 15. Ibn 'Uthaymîn about the difference between smoking and suicide-attacks

  • 16. Abû Ishâq al-Huwaynî -- Successor of al-Albânî? Part 2 | Sh. al-Albânî

  • 17. Abû Ishâq al-Huwaynî - Successor of al-Albânî? Part 1 | al-Albânî

  • 18. To warn against the scholars of Ahl-ul-Bid'ah belongs to the doctrine of the Salaf | al-Luhaydân

  • 19. al-Albânî about al-Hawâlî's "Dhâhirat-ul-Irjâ'" and Surûriyyah

  • 20. The difference between Takfîr upon a kind and Takfîr upon an individual | Sh al-Khudhayr

  • 21. Condemning the Rulers from the Pulpits - Imâm Ibn Bâz.flv

  • 22. The Jews and Christians, they are his brothers, but not Our!.flv

  • 23. A Pearl from the Salaf

  • 24. ! Salafi Publications Conference in Birmingham with Shaikh Ubaid al-Jaabiree! September 2012

  • 25. Whoever says Shaykh al-Albânî was a Murjee´ is incorrect & mistaken | al-Fawzân

  • 26. Political revolution first? - Exaggerating One Matter over all others

  • 27. Debate with a Jihadi | al-Albânî

  • 28. Valentines Day (text) | bin ´Uthaymîn

  • 29. The time when all scholars considered that Allâh is above the heavens | al-Lâlakâ'î

  • 30. The Creator of the creation is above His creation | Ibn ´Abdil-Hâdî al-Maqdisî

  • 31. "Then YES, I am a Wahhâbî" | Sh al-Fawzân

  • 32. Judgement Day 2012 | Sh al-Fawzân

  • 33. "I'm the Man" [the youngster who puts himself forward] | Sufyân Al-Thawrî

  • 34. Refuting the Misconception that Obedience Is Valid Only to the Greater Imaam (text) | Saleh As-Saleh

  • 35. Sh al-Fawzân about Sh Rabî and other prominent scholars

  • 36. Sh Ibn Bâz praises Sh Rabî bin Hâdî al-Madkhalî and Sh Muhammad Amân al-Jâmî

  • 37. How the Salaf were (and weren't) when hearing the Qur'an

  • 38. al-Albânî about Qutb, Abdullâh Azzam and al-Ikhwân al-Muslimûn.

  • 39. Reflect on - Imam Ash Shafi'ee

  • 40. Reflect on - Shaykh al-Albânî

  • 41. "Satan talking to Imam Ahmad on his death bed"

  • 42. Sayings of Truth | Ibn Hazm & Abûl-Hasan al-Ash´arî

  • 43. Ruling on acting that promotes good | al-Fawzân

  • 44. The scholars of the issues of menstruation | Ibn ´Uthaymîn

  • 45. No Tabdî´ without evidence | al-Fawzân

  • 46. Do you have to be of old age to have deeply rooted knowledge? | al-Fawzân

  • 47. Who are Ahl-us-Sunnah? | Imâm as-Sâbûnî & Imâm al-Asbahânî

  • 48. Warning against an innovator by his name | bin ´Uthaymîn

  • 49. The "arab spring" is the unbelievers spring | al-Fawzân

  • 50. The difference between Suicide-operations and the action of Barâ | Ibn Uthaymîn

  • 51. Ibn Lâdin - The awaited al-Mahdî or a devil? | ´Allâmah Ahmad bin Yahyâ an-Nadjmî

  • 52. People who never done something good | al-Fawzân

  • 53. How do you advise the person who forbids the tapes of Shaykh Rabî´ bin Hâdî? | bin 'Uthaymîn

  • 54. The one who defends them (the homicide-bombers) is one of them

  • 55. Is the statement of Ibn Baz about Usamah Ibn Ladin a lie? | al-Fawzan

  • 56. Ibn Uthaymeen about Anâshîd

  • 57. Ibn Bâz about Anâshîd

  • 58. al-Fawzân refutes: Let the youths themselves differentiate right from wrong

  • 59. Cooperating with deviant groups in charity-work and Da'wah

  • 60. Can we eat Jewish/christian-slaughtered meat without knowing how it was slaughtered?

  • 61. Fatwâ on chat-smilies (Msn etc)

  • 62. al-Fawzân about the so called "Jâmiyyah" sect

  • 63. The warning of a scholar is a condition for a warning.

  • 64. an-Najmî: You Cant Compare Sayyid Qutb To Ibn Hajar or an-Nawawî

  • 65. Ibn Uthaymîn about boycotting innovators

  • 66. Methodology of Qutb and an advice to the Ikhwânîs

  • 67. Ruling on backbiting/condemning rulers, Shaykh Ibn Uthaymîn

  • 68. al-Albânî about Islâmic parties

  • 69. al-Albânî about the rulers of today

  • 70. Claim: "Salafiyûn ignore the Tawâghît & Hâkimiyyah while they focus on Aqîdah & Tawhîd" ?

  • 71. Is Sâlih Âl ash-Shaykh an Ikhwânî?

  • 72. al-Luhaydân about Sh Rabî' al-Madkhalî

  • 73. They say Rabî al-Madkhalî is a backbiter, harsh and Jâmiyyahs leader?

  • 74. Suicide-attacks do not equal martyrdom!

  • 75. Shaykh Ibn 'Uthaymeen about the Arab rulers (exclusive, detailed Fatwâ)

  • 76. What if the ruler allows demonstrations? Ibn 'Uthaymîn

  • 77. Ibn 'Uthaymîn shuts the door to misused Takfîr upon the rulers

  • 78. al-Fawzân advises to boycott Jamâ'at-ut-Tablîgh

  • 79. al-Fawzân praised Jamâat-ut-Tablîgh?

  • 80. Ibn Bâz about Jamâ'at-ut-Tablîgh, al-Ikhwân and Khawârij

  • 81. Ruling on going out with Jamâ'at-ut-Tablîgh

  • 82. al-Qâ'idah: Khawârij or Mujâhidûn?

  • 83. Women beautifying the face when going to a festivity? | Abdul-´Azîz Âl ash-Shaykh

  • 84. The woman´s slaughter | ibn Bâz

  • 85. Jokingly divorcing one´s wife | al-Fawzân

  • 86. How to treat Ahl-ul-Bid´ah | Ibn Uthaymîn

  • 87. Obligatory to spread refutations, but which ones? & is al-Fawzân against that of Sh Rabî´'s?

  • 88. Only a small and insignificant person would slander the great scholars | al-Luhaydân

  • 89. Sh al-Luhaydân on al-Gharyânî and Sh Rabî´ al-Madkhalî

  • 90. aFatwa special - Boston bombings

  • 91. Today's Terrorism & Suicide Bombings | Shaykh al-Fawzân

  • 92. The Excuse of Ignorance and Barriers to Takfir | Shaykh al-Fawzân

  • 93. Abu Qatadah and Abu Hamaza are Khawarij | Shaykh Usmaah al-Utaybi

  • 94. Does the Word 'Salafi' Cause Divison? | Al 'Allāmah Sāliḥ al-Fawzān

  • 95. Forbidding evil | Sh al-Fawzân

  • 96. Late for the Friday prayer | Shaykh al-Fawzân

  • 97. Salatul 'Asr before it´s time | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 98. Khawâridj in the West | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 99. Why no warnings against the leaders of Khawâridj? | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 100. If al-Albânî was Murdji'î then Mâlik, ash-Shâfi'î .. | Sh. 'Abdul Muhsin Al-'Abbad

  • 101. University degrees proves nothing | Sh. Fawzân

  • 102. Building bridges between groups & sects | Sh. Muqbîl

  • 103. Rejection of Ahl-ul-Bid´a splits the people | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 104. Salafiyyûn, Djamâ´at ut Tablîgh & al-Ikhwân al-Muslimûn | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 105. Are Ahl ul Bid´ah human shayateen? | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 106. So says some Hizbiyyûn | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 107. Ruling on calling Salafiyyah a "destroyed methodology" | Sh. Ibn ´Uthaymîn

  • 108. He is a Surûrî | Shaykh Muqbîl

  • 109. There are no revolutions in Islam | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 110. The nicknames Djâmiyyah & Madâkhilah | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 111. al-Huwaynîs Takfir of the knowledgeable & conscious sinner | Sh. Fawzân

  • 112. Only one innovation - enough to be an innovator? |ân

  • 113. A must to have knowledge about Ahl ul Bid´a ? | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 114. Ibn ´Uthaymîn destroys todays Khawâridj | Sh. Ibn ´Uthaymîn

  • 115. Topics that we do not go into | Sh. Ibn ´Uthaymîn

  • 116. The correct methodology in relation to the errors of the rulers | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 117. Those that only pray the friday prayer & Those that do not pray in congregation | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 118. Who are the Djâmiyyah? | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 119. The Hero of Western Social Media Stars: Muhammad Al Arifi

  • 120. Have the Khawâridj become rulers now? | Sh. al-´Abbâd

  • 121. You have to wear a tie in parliament | Sh. al-Albânî

  • 122. Was this Ibn Bâz´s methodology? | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 123. If al-Albânî had experienced ISIS | Sh. al-Albânî

  • 124. Muhammad Hassân´s view on warnings from grave worship | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 125. Why no Takfîr on Salmân al ´Awdah? | Sh. as-Suhaymî

  • 126. Youths attitude to Anâshîd is catastrophic! |ânî

  • 127. The wonderful caller that everyone likes! | Sh. Muhammad bin Hâdî

  • 128. Obligatory to clarify errors! | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 129. Mixing with Ahl-ul-Bid´a? | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 130. Purpose of Djihâd is not to impose Islam on disbelievers | Sh. al Fawzân

  • 131. Why Ahl-ul-Bid´a refer to Ahl-us-Sunnah | Sh. al-Albânî

  • 132. Conditions for a coalition with the disbelievers against muslim terrorists | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 133. Call to the Truth and ignore the troublemakers | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 134. The Truth about necromancy - contact with souls of the dead | Sh. al-Albânî

  • 135. Sit with Ahl-ul-Bid´a & keep silent? | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 136. About the scholars of al-Madînah | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 137. My aunt is a witch | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 138. If the ruler allows demonstrations | Sh. bin ´Uthaymîn

  • 139. Why are the scholars silent when afflictions occur? | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 140. How to advise the one who forbids Rabî´ al-Madkhalî ´s tapes | Sh. bin ´Uthaymîn

  • 141. They slander Muqbil al Wâdi´î & Rabî´ al Madkhalî! | Sh. al-Albânî

  • 142. Salafiyyah´s just stance towards Ahl ul Bid´a |ân

  • 143. The student does NOT cut his beard! | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 144. Slander of the ruler is the basis for the trial | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 145. Permissible to murder the cartoonist that drew the Prophet? | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 146. The Qur’ân is to the Khawâridjs disadvantage | Sh. Abdul-Muhsin al-´Abbâd

  • 147. If the refutation will upset him | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 148. Husband´s leniency with wife´s bad clothing & disobediance | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 149. He repents from introducing an innovation | Sh. bin ´Uthaymîn

  • 150. He denies the existence of the evil eye & magic | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 151. It is correct that the scholars are not flawless | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 152. Difference between the correct & incorrect Da´wah | Sh. al-Fawzân

  • 153. Shall the student mention the differences of opinion? | Sh. al-´Abbâd

  • 154. Al Qaeda Plane Hijack - How it all happened? Documentary Film


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