- Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem
- Category: - RAMADAN
- Language: ENGLISH
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1. Does a umrah counts for the child in the mother's womb when she performs umrah
2. Ruling on condition based niyyah for umrah
3. Can a woman with menses eat during ramadhan
4. Ruling on taking medicines to delay menses during ramadhan
5. Ruling on breastfeeding woman during ramadhan
6. What would a woman do in last 10 days of ramadhan
7. Can a woman staying in Saudi do umrah without her mahram
8. What I need to do if I missed my fasting during ramadhan due to preganancy.
9. Can a woman staying in Saudi do umrah without her mahram
10. What I need to do if I missed my fasting during ramadhan due to preganancy.
11. Is sleeping a form of worship during ramadhan
12. Can a woman staying in Saudi do umrah without her mahram
13. What I need to do if I missed my fasting during ramadhan due to preganancy.
14. Is it obligatory to wake up for Suhoor?
15. Can a woman staying in Saudi do umrah without her mahram
16. What I need to do if I missed my fasting during ramadhan due to preganancy.
17. We need a Ramadan
18. Can a woman staying in Saudi do umrah without her mahram
19. What I need to do if I missed my fasting during ramadhan due to preganancy.
20. Postponing the zakat for Ramadan
21. Missing previous Ramadans
22. Being old and not fasting Ramadan
23. I can not fast Ramadan
24. Taking medicine while fasting
25. What is the taqwa we should get while fasting
26. The Reward of Praying Taraweeh in Congregation
27. Making up Ramadan becouse of a valid reason, do I get same reward as fasting in Ramadan
28. Getting my menses in the middle of the day during fasting will I still get the reward?
29. Living in a non-muslim country and eating in public during Ramadan
30. Having pain in stomach but no blood, is this mensis?
31. Doing 'Umrah in Ramadan for my dead father, will he get reward of Hajj?
32. Do drops of blood coming out after intercourse affect the fasting?
33. Do you get the same barakah for making up for missed days of Ramadan, after Ramadan
34. Being late for Isha and the Imam already started Taraweeh, what to do?
35. When do I break my fast if I am travelling
36. What does require fidyah if we break our fast deliberately
37. Wanted to feed the poor every day in Ramadan but they need cash more, can I now give them cash?
38. Vaginal examination while fasting
39. Ruling on french kissing the wife while fasting
40. Praying tahiyyatul masjid when Imam has already started the prayer
41. Praying after taraweeh
42. Making up the fasts from when I was young
43. If I only pray taraweeh during Laylatul Qadr will I get the hole reward?
44. Does licking lipstick invalidates fast and looking at women?
45. Does the child's vommit nulify wudu?
46. Blood appeared after end of mensis, does that affect my fast
47. About Imams that pray taraweeh too fast
48. Vomitting during fast
49. Brushing teeth with toothpaste during Ramadan when fasting
50. Doubt about 30th day of Ramadan, fasting or not
51. Does using bad words breakes one's fasting?
52. What is the time to break the fast
53. The remaining food between your teeth is breaking your fast or not
54. Ruling on cupping in Ramadan
55. Moonsiting and start of Ramadan
56. How to pray tahajjud
57. Making the best of your Ramadan
58. Making up for missed days of Ramadan