Everybody Wants To Be A Shaykh In The West by Hasan Somali

The Ruling on Listing to Unknown Speakers and Taking Knowledge from them?:
Answer: The trails of today are very many. Innovations and mixing up innovators with the people of the sunnah and their outward call to the sunnah and salafiyyah is widespread, for this reason one should be cautious. ‘Abdullaah ibn ‘Abbaas [radiAllaahu anhum] used to say, if a man said ‘I heard the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) or the Messenger of Allaah (sallallaahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said, we (used to) rush to him and went out to seek him, listening to him, but when the fitnah occurred they began asking about the men (who were narrating the knowledge) like how Ibn Seereen mentioned “we said: name to us your men” meaning they were known by whom they narrated from. So from there they would know if they would listen and accept or refuse and not listen. If that was the case in that time, then our time has more priority. It is a must that one determines and limits those whom he listens to, and from whom he reads from, and who he takes from, and (the works he) issues, and also who he sits with, this is very important. As for being a haatib layl (one who gathers wood at night i.e. blindly, heedlessly), listing to everyone and those who are unknown. No, it is feared that a trail will befall this one. Surely from the signs of success from Allaah and wanting good for his slave, it is uprightness and guidance that he helps him to sit, mix with and take from the people of the Sunnah. It is obligatory to have seriousness and diligence towards seeking out that which brings about success and guidance from Allaah, and Allah is the one who grants success.
Shaykh Falaah Ismaa’eel al-Mandakar [hafidhahullah ta’ala]

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  • 1. Everybody Wants To Be A Shaykh In The West - Hasaan as Somaalee


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