- Speakers: .Shaykh Hassan Somali, Abu Abdillaah Khalif Abdis Samad Aden, Abu Muhammad al Maghribi
- Category: HEART
- Language: ENGLISH
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1. The Excellence of Seeking Knowledge & Its Obstacles - Hassan Somali
2. Khutbah: Fear Allah Wherever You May Be! Hassan Somali
3. Empowering The Youth With Beneficial Knowledge!
4. Introduction: Diseases of the Hearts & Their Cures - Hassan Somali
5. Part 1: Aspects of The Heart | Abu Muhammad Al-Maghribee
6. Lecture #2: Diseases of The Hearts & Their Cures - Hassan Somali
7. Lecture #3: Diseases of The Hearts & Their Cures - Hassan Somali
8. Death Will Be The Only Thing Preventing Him From Entering Al-Jannah
9. Tape Review w/ Abu Muhammad Al-Maghribee
10. Part 2: Aspects of The Heart | Abu Muhammad Al-Maghribee
11. Lecture #4: Diseases of The Hearts & Their Cures - Hassan Somali
12. Lecture #5: Diseases of The Hearts & Their Cures - Hassan Somali
13. Conclusion: Diseases of The Hearts & Their Cures - Hassan Somali