- Speaker: .Shaykh Hassan Somali
- Category: .USTADS
- Language: ENGLISH
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1. Save Yourself from the Fire - Hassan as-Sumaalee
2. Death - A Cup We Must All Drink From - Abu 'Abdillaah Hassan as-Sumaalee
3. The Effect That Fasting in Purifying The Soul - Aboo 'Abdillaah Hassan as-Sumaalee
4. The Virtues and Beauty of Fasting - Aboo 'Abdillaah Hassan as-Sumaalee
5. The Day of Judgement - Aboo 'Abdillaah Hassan as Sumaalee
6. The Evil Eye is True - Aboo 'Abdillaah Hassan as-Sumaalee
7. Fear The Dunyah - Aboo 'Abdillaah Hassan as-Somaalee
8. Q & A Part 3 - Shaykh 'Ubayd al-Jaabiree (translated by Aboo 'Abdillaah Hassan as-Sumaalee)
9. The Advice of Ibn Qayyim al-Jawziyyah to Ahlul Sunnah from his an-Nooniyaah - Hassan as-Sumaalee
10. Those Whom Allaah Loves - Aboo 'Abdillaah Hassan as-Sumaalee
11. The Importance of Endeavour & Determination - Aboo 'Abdillaah Hassan as-Sumaalee
12. The Story Of Ibraaheem ('alayhis salaam) - Lessons for The Strangers (part 1) - Hassan as-Sumaalee
13. The Story Of Ibraaheem ('alayhis salaam) - Lessons for The Strangers (part 2) - Hassan as-Sumaalee
14. Tale-Carrying and The Scandal Mongers (jumu'ah khutbah) - Abu 'Abdillaah Hassan as-Sumaalee
15. How to Deal with Death - Aboo 'Abdillaah Hassan as-Sumaalee
16. The Islamic Position Regarding ISIS, al-Qa'eda and Their Likes - Aboo 'Abdillaah Hassan Sumalee
17. The Essential Place of Tawheed in the Life of a Muslim - Aboo 'Abdillaah Hassan as-Sumaalee
18. The Dangers of the Internet - Facebook, Instagram etc. (Part 2) - Aboo 'Abdillaah Hassan as-Sumaalee
19. The Happiest People in the World (khutbah) - Aboo 'Abdillaah Hassan as-Sumaalee
20. The Qur'aan Is The Speech of Allaah and It Is Not Created! - Aboo 'Abdillaah Hassan as-Sumaalee
21. Reminder - Aboo 'Abdillaah Hassan as-Sumaalee
22. Knowledge is Not to Be Taken from the Pious Worshipper - Hassan as-Sumaalee
23. Purification of The Soul - Aboo 'Abdillaah Hassan as-Sumaalee
24. Lessons From The 2 Sons of Aadam Condemning The French Massacre - Aboo 'Abdillaah Hassan as-Sumaalee
25. Are We All The Same? - Aboo 'Abdillaah Hassan as-Sumaalee