Series- Beautiful Benefits From the Qur’anic Supplications

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  • 1. [Introduction] Beautiful Benefits From the Qur'anic Supplications

  • 2. [2] Guide Us to the Straight Way!

  • 3. [3] Our Lord! Give Us in This World That Which is Good

  • 4. [4] Our Lord! Punish Us Not If We Forget or Fall into Error

  • 5. [5] Our Lord! Let Not Our Hearts Deviate

  • 6. [6] Our Lord! We Have Believed...

  • 7. [7] Our Lord! You Have Not Created All This Without Purpose, Glory to You!

  • 8. [8] Our Lord! Forgive Us Our Sins and Our Transgressions

  • 9. [9] The Supplications of the Slaves of the Most Merciful

  • 10. [10] Our Lord! We Have Wronged Ourselves

  • 11. [11] O My Lord! I Seek Refuge With You From Asking You...

  • 12. [12] Our Lord! Accept This Service From Us

  • 13. [13] My Lord! You Have Indeed Bestowed On Me of the Sovereignty,

  • 14. [14] My Lord! Inspire & Bestow Upon Me the Power and Ability That I May Be Grateful for Your Favors

  • 15. [15] My Lord! Truly, I am In Need of Whatever Good...

  • 16. [16] My Lord! Forgive and Have Mercy...

  • 17. [17] My Lord! Let My Entry Be Good

  • 18. [18] "My Lord! Increase Me In Knowledge"

  • 19. [19] You Are Our Protector, So Forgive Us

  • 20. [20] Our Lord! Bestow On Us Mercy From Yourself

  • 21. [21] Our Lord! You Comprehend All Things

  • 22. [22] Our Lord! Forgive Us And Our Brethren

  • 23. [Conclusion] Beautiful Benefits From the Qur'ānic Supplications


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