- Speaker: .Shaykh Ali ar Ramly
- Category: -GENOCIDE-Terrorism
Annihilating The Doubt Spread by ISIS That The Companions Burnt Captives by Shaykh ‘Ali ar-Ramly
23.02.2015 – The Noble Shaykh ‘Ali ar-Ramly (may Allah preserve him), from the students of knowledge in Jordan, was asked about those deviants from the khawaarij (renegades in Islaam), from the muslim brotherhood and their sub-sects, ISIS, jabhat an-nusra, al-qaida and others, that have been justifying the cruelty of burning their captives alive with the unwarranted justification that some of the sahabah (companions of the Prophet Muhammad peace be upon him) did so. The Shaykh completely annihilates these doubts and claims in his answer!
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