Al-Qawaa’id Al-Arba’ – القواعد الأربع (The Four Principles)

AWESOME BOOK! Al-Qawaa’id Al-Arba’ – القواعد الأربع (The Four Principles)
The Four Principles, is a book of `Aqeedah (Creed) based on the Qur’aan and the authentic Sunnah.
It follows on from his book Al-Usool At-Thalaatha (The Three Fundamentals) and deals with the correct understand of tawheed (monotheism) and its opposite – shirk which may take one out of the fold of Islaam. Hence, the necessity of understanding what it is so that it may be avoided.

Download As Audio or Video

  • 1. Part 1/4_Al-Qawaa'id Al-Arba' - القواعد الأربع (The Four Principles)

  • 2. Part 2/4_Al-Qawaa'id Al-Arba' - القواعد الأربع (The Four Principles)

  • 3. Part 3/4_Al-Qawaa'id Al-Arba' - القواعد الأربع (The Four Principles)

  • 4. Part 4/4_Al-Qawaa'id Al-Arba' - القواعد الأربع (The Four Principles)

  • 5. AWESOME BOOK! Al-Qawaa'id Al-Arba' - القواعد الأربع (The Four Principles)


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