3:Magic – Penalties of Magic in Islam & its’ Solutions

3:Magic – Penalties of Magic in Islam & its’ Solutions
Abu Jafar Al Hanbali gives the third of a series of lectures on the topic of magic and the Islamic position on it. This lecture talks about the penalties of practicing or participating in magic, and some solutions as to how we can deal with magic when it occurs.

Download As Audio or Video

  • 1. 3:Magic - The Penalties of Magic in Islam & Its' Solutions - Part 1/6

  • 2. 3:Magic - The Penalties of Magic in Islam & Its' Solutions - Part 2/6

  • 3. 3:Magic - The Penalties of Magic in Islam & Its' Solutions - Part 3/6

  • 4. 3:Magic - The Penalties of Magic in Islam & Its' Solutions - Part 4/6

  • 5. 3:Magic - The Penalties of Magic in Islam & Its' Solutions - Part 5/6

  • 6. 3:Magic - The Penalties of Magic in Islams & It's Solutions - Part 6/6


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