1:Magic – The Sources of Magic & It’s Reality

1:Magic – The Sources of Magic & It’s Reality
Abu Jafar Al Hanbali gives the first of a series of lectures on the topic of magic and the Islamic position on it. This is the introductory lecture on the topic of magic, where it comes from and the reality of its’ existense contrary to what society has us believe.

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  • 1. 1:Magic - The Sources of Magic & Its' Reality - Part 1/7

  • 2. 1:Magic - The Sources of Magic & Its' Reality - Part 2/7

  • 3. 1:Magic - The Sources of Magic & Its' Reality - Part 3/7

  • 4. 1:Magic - The Sources of Magic & Its' Reality - Part 4/7

  • 5. 1:Magic - The Sources of Magic & Its' Reality - Part 5/7

  • 6. 1:Magic - The Sources of Magic & Its' Reality - Part 6/7

  • 7. 1:Magic - The Sources of Magic & Its' Reality - Part 7/7


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