Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


Is it permissible for women to wear Anklets? – Assim al hakeem


Why do I get bad thoughts even though Satan is chained up in Ramadan? – Assim al hakeem


How to know if a hadith is authentic or unauthentic? – Assim al hakeem


How should we treat our Non Muslim parents & Siblings? – Assim al hakeem


Do I pay zakat if I saved money to buy a house, for marriage, paying off loans etc? Assim al hakeem


Can we give interest money to relatives or friends? – Assim al hakeem


My in laws kept my gold & not returning back to me, do I have to pay zakat on it? – Assim al hakeem


Is it permissible to wipe our face after wudu as sins get wiped? – Assim al hakeem


What is conditional divorce? – Assim al hakeem


Series- Women Around The Prophet ﷺ‎ – Assim al hakeem


Praying in the masjid by keeping distance between people & rows due to Covid-19 – Assim al hakeem


Difference between doing Sujood as Sahu before & after Salam – Assim al hakeem


Positive and Negative change – Assim al hakeem


Are we rewarded for cooking Iftar for someone who doesn’t pray & sleep all day? – Assim al hakeem


Will the appearance of Surayya star on 12th May remove the COVID-19 Pandemic? – Assim al hakeem


Does the symbol of Crescent Moon & Star have any basis in Islam? – Assim al hakeem


Zakat ka Nisaab Kiya hai aur Kin Kin Cheezon Par Zkaat di Jaayegi ? | Sheikh Maqsood Ul Hasan Faizi


Zakaat ke Haqdar Kon Hain, Fisabeelillah me Kiska Shumar Hoga ? | Sheikh Maqsood Ul Hasan Faizi


Kiya Zakaat k Paisa se Kisi Ghareeb ko Hajj Karaya Jasakta hai ? | Sheikh Maqsood Ul Hasan Faizi


Kiya 27 ki Shab hi Shabe Qadr hai ? | Sheikh Maqsood Ul Hasan Faizi


Lailatul Qadr ka Ehtemam Masjid me ya Ghar me Afzal hai ? | Sheikh Maqsood Ul Hasan Faizi


How Islam protected Women’s rights? – Assim al hakeem


Series- Women Around The Prophet ﷺ‎ – Introduction – Assim al hakeem


Can we follow the Weak Hadiths? – Assim al hakeem

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