Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


Is there any dua to recite in suhoor before the fast? – Assim al hakeem


Took suhoor & then realised Adhan had been called 2-3 minutes ago, is her fast valid?- Assimalhakeem


Husband and Wife both work and have a joint account, how to give Zakat? – Assim al hakeem


Pregnant or Breastfeeding Woman, Is there any expiation (Fidya) if she skips fasting Assim al hakeem


Why are there two Adhan / Athan for Fajr? – Assim al hakeem


Is it correct to stop eating 10 or 15 minutes before Adhan of Fajr (Imsak)? – Assim al hakeem


Completing Quran in Ramadan, Continue from where I left off or Start from beginning? Assim al hakeem


Can we pay someone’s loan with our zakat money? – Assim al hakeem


Can we give Food Items or Groceries as our zakat during this Lockdown? – Assim al hakeem


Should a woman pray taraweeh behind son who recites short surahs or pray longer surahs alone Assimal


When is Fajr Prayer actually due & How to do the Moon Sighting? – Assim al hakeem


Does inhaling Bakhoor break your fast? – Assim al hakeem


Can we listen to the Quran while praying taraweeh if we are not good in reading Arabic Assimalhakeem


How to calculate Zakat if I owe debts?Amount is above nisab but doesn’t cover debt amount Assimalhak


What is the expiation for dropping the Quran by mistake? – Assim al hakeem


Is it permissible to give Fateha on food? – Assim al hakeem


Ruling on reciting daily dhikr & blowing or wiping over our children – Assim al hakeem


Is it permissible to pull out grey hair? – Assim al hakeem


Following & Liking friend’s photos (Female) on Social Media, am I sinful? – Assim al hakeem


Did Prophet ﷺ‎ have 99 names? – Assim al hakeem


Roza me Kidney ki Safaaye Dialysis ka Hukm ? | Sheikh Maqsood Ul Hasan Faizi


How to know the difference between Satan’s Whispers & our own Thoughts & Nafs? – Assim al hakeem


Is it ok if ruqya water (even zamzam) goes down the drain while washing with it? – Assim al hakeem


Men or Women praying Ishraq at home, is the reward same as praying in Masjid? – Assim al hakeem

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