Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


Men and women praying in the same room


Concentration in prayer


Buying and selling in the masjid


Taking photos


The discharge of women


A clear sign from Allah?


The Ahmediyya and Qadiani


The earthquake from Japan


Having dental braces and reciting the Quran


When to follow an Islamic school of thought or the sunnah


Reciting and blowing in your hands


How to behave after nikah


Praying 2 rakas after wudu


Approaching a sister for marriage


Being a nurse and touching male patients


Social networking sites


The wake up project


buying and keeping cats at home


making the aqiqah


How to encourage people to pray


Zakat on my gold mahar?


good charahter in islam


Teaching the quran and having an accent


Making up for Ramadan and missed prayers

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