Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


Games with dice


Touching the quran without wudhu


Using contraception


The children of a revert Muslim


Copyright issues


Backbiting and laughing at others


Does Allah have to give us what we want?


Reading novels


Excuse for not praying in congregation


Saying “I love you for the sake of Allah”


Zakat on paper currency


Answer for our Dua


Performing wudu when wearing hair gel or oil


Having more than 1 wife


Washing the body of a dead woman


A woman asking for divorce


Making Dua for poor non-Muslims


Dua in time of calamity


Types of adhan


Djinns at home


Women stopping having children


The idha period for a divorced woman


Is a sister’s stepfather-in-law a mahram for her?


Is the son of a woman’s father from another woman a mahram for her?

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