Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


Automatic adhan


Wudu or Ghusl with Zam Zam water


Short description of Umrah


Is it mandatory for me to pray in the masjid if I m living away


Ways of increasing the Emaan


Making dua in my mother tongue


Leaving the state of Ihram


Being tired to pray Isha in the Masjed


I have problems with my husband


Ruling on expiation for killing someone accidentally


Covering the hair while reciting the Quran or making Dhikr


Trust in Allah


I want to travel but my husband is afraid of airplanes


What type of dog nullifies our prayer?


How can I protect the Quran from non-muslims?


I can not fast Ramadan


Reciting quranic supplications in the prayer (before salam)


How much knowledge do I need in order to make Dawah?


Sujūd at-Tilâwah (Prostration for Recitation)


Halal transactions


Poligamy in Islam


Reciting the Quran during sexual impurity


The duties of a married daughter


Is the father-in-law a mahram?

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