Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


Commentary on a hadith


Being old and not fasting Ramadan


Missing previous Ramadans


Postponing the zakat for Ramadan


Having money in foreign currency and changing it into local currency and paying the zakat


Giving gifts to a girl before marriage


Puting the hand under the fosset for wudu


Pointing the finger when hearing the name of Allah


Eating meat slaughtered by Christians and Jews


Praying and finding impurity on clothes


The position of our hands in sujud


Punished 10 years for a sin?


Does surat Al-Wāqi`ah prevent poverty?


Having knowledge


Salah of Tahiyyat-ul-Masjid


Watching wrestling


Why can’t we concentrate in prayers even in Ramadan?


Being paid for walking a dog


Pronouncing the letter Qaf in prayer


Taraweeh is 20 Rakah or 8 Rakah?


Does Kalimah erase sins?


Music is Haram in Islam


The difference between Hidayah and Tawfiqh


Is it permissible to watch the Tv (the Friday prayer Live) and pray with them?

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