Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


Can Friday sermon be given in the our native language


Ruling on hair coloring and plucking of eyebrows


Can I use asthma inhalers during fasting


When we need to perform Tawaf-ul-Wadaa’


Where is the meeqat for people coming from the east side of Makkah


Ruling on taking care of the in-law family


Is sleeping a form of worship during ramadhan


Relationship between husband and wife


Ruling on paying Zakah for the person to perform Umrah


Is it permissible to return back to our own non muslim country after staying sometime in a muslim country for the purpose of career


Ruling on marriage-When her mother opposes for her marriage


Ruling on Praying behind the Imam of Makkah by watching the TV and best way of seeking forgiveness


Do we need to pay zakah for gold which we have saved for our children marriage


Do we need to wear the Ihram from our place of residence


Is it Haram to distant herself from her family as they oppress her for practicing the religion


What cand we do to have our sins forgiven?


What if we repent and then sin again


Are we allowed to use perfume and tooth-paste while fasting?


Is it obligatory to wake up for Suhoor?


Praying in a different masjid on Friday


Commentary on a hadith


Being old and not fasting Ramadan


Missing previous Ramadans


Postponing the zakat for Ramadan

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