Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


Uncovering in front of non-Muslims women and children


A revert Muslim having problems


Ruling on washing the feet in Wudhu


Ruling on wearing jeans for women


Ruling on visiting graves


Ruling on seeking Waseelah from the Prophet


Ruling on masturbation


Ruling on plucking the eyebrows


Ruling on woman travelling without Mahram


Ruling on covering the face for women


Does Prophet have 99 Names


Is female circumcision permissible


Can a woman staying in Saudi do umrah without her mahram


Can I ask Allah to make me strong as I am too skinny


Categories of wealth that mandates Zakat


Does reward for reading quran translation equals the reward for reading it in arabic


What I need to do if I missed my fasting during ramadhan due to pregnancy.


Who is the right person to lead the Friday sermon


Why Allah referring to Himself as We in the Qur’an


Ruling on interest through savings account


How to treat an apostate


Ruling on breaking Nafil fasting


Ruling on getting loans and gift from an apostate


Can we consult doctor if we find some problem with our reproductive organs

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