Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


Is Bismillah part of Surah al Fatiha?


Is our house protected from Shaytaan by playing Surah baqarah through digital quran


Is our house protected from Shaytaan by reciting surah baqarah at any place during the day


Ruling on fasting during ramadhan for pregnant and suckling women


Is it permissible to shuffle verses in the same rakah of the prayer


Ways of Sadaqathul Zaariyah


Ruling on reciting quran without wudhu


Question regarding interest over deposits


Ruling on wearing niqab while performing umrah or hajj


How come in makkah they are praying 20 rakah of taraweeh when prophet only prayed 11 rakah


Ruling regarding qunoot in witr prayer


Question regarding trading in Saudi stock market


Do our relatives who are dead get expiated from the punishment during ramadhan


Ruling on Istibraah


Does Umrah counts for the child in the mother’s womb when she performs umrah


Ruling on verses of Sajdah in the quran


Regarding Hadeeth of Umar (radiyallahu anhu) on taraweeh prayer


Can we follow an imam who prays witr prayer like maghrib


Ruling on condition based niyyah for umrah


Do we need to pay riba when the person who gave us the loan betrayed us


What would a woman do in last 10 days of ramadhan


Ruling on Zakat


Do children need to perform wudhu before touching the quran


Ruling on breastfeeding woman during ramadhan

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