Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


Are Bridal and Baby Showers permissible in Islam? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Sufi Tareeqas and ruling on joining them – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Friday Prayer (Jummah) for a woman – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Marriage without the consent of the woman’s wali – Hanafi Madhab – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


What to do if you bought a house on Mortgage?


Can I pray sitting in the car? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Dhikr after Fard salah & innovations of putting hand on head & reciting AyatAlkursi etc-AssimAlhakeem


Scared of pain at the time of dying!


Iddah of an old aged widow


Wearing colored Outer Garments or Abayas for Women


Can Women wear skirt which covers knee in front of other women By Assim Al Hakeem


Is taking Money for teaching Qur’an permissible? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


2 Surahs in 1 Rakah, same Surah in both Rakahs and 1 Surah more than once in a rakah – Assim al Hakeem


Reciting Ayat Al Kursi while going out of house, actual virtues of this Ayah – Sheikh Assimalhakeem


Feeding the poor to give reward to the Deceased – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Rolling up or folding pants during Salah – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Is Wudu valid if we make it wearing impure clothes – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Taking young children or babies to Umrah and Hajj – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Times when it’s Sunnah to use the Miswak – Is the reward of it 70,000 times?- Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Reciting the Qur’an for a Dying Person – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Who will be the spouse in Jannah if one of them is in Hell for sometime? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


How to give Dawah to relatives who do not pray – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Does descent of Allah to the lowest heaven mean that Allah is inside lowest sky? – Assim Al Hakeem


Marriage in Islam

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