Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


Who are the Khawarij? – Assim al hakeem


Can we play video games? – Assim al hakeem


Must we put water in the ears while making ghusl? Ear infection, has cotton in ear, is ghusl valid?


Father wants me to shorten my beard & wear Pants below the ankles, must I obey him – Assim al hakeem


Best deeds to do in the last 10 days / nights of Ramadan – Assim al hakeem


Deputising someone to give your zakat al fitr or keeping it with you until lockdown is over Assimalh


Should we recite Surah Fateha after imam in taraweeh prayer? – Assim al hakeem


Used to give Zakat to wrong receiver, do I have to give away that zakat amount again?- Assimalhakeem


Is keeping the Beard Fard (Mandatory) or Sunnah? – Assim al hakeem


Can grown up children sleep in the same bed with their parents? – Assim al hakeem


Reciting Surah Sajdah before sleeping & What is it’s reward? – Assim al hakeem


What’s the ruling on Short Selling in the Stock Market? – Assim al hakeem


Can we recite from the Quran in Fard and Voluntary Prayers? – Assim al hakeem


Can a woman lead the prayer? – Assim al hakeem


Is giving Iqamah compulsory before praying alone for both men and women? – Assim al hakeem


Is there a specific Prayer (Salah) for Laylatul Qadr? – Assim al hakeem


Can I make dua after salah when praying on my own? Introducing new things in religion Assim al hakeem


How to witness Laylatul Qadr? – Assim al hakeem


How to become a student of Sheikh Assim al hakeem? – Assim al hakeem


Is it mandatory to rinse mouth and nose in wudu? What if the nose is blocked? – Assim al hakeem


Can we pray funeral prayer on someone who didn’t pray during his lifetime? – Assim al hakeem


How to cope with exaggerated fear of death? – Assim al hakeem


What to do if you forget an Ayah during Salah (Prayer)? – Assim al hakeem


Can we give zakat al fitr in cash? Can we give zakat al fitr to our cousins? – Assim al hakeem

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