Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


الاستخارة – الشيخ عاصم الحكيم


Dua when leaving the home and Entering the car – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Traps of Satan – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Forming a congregation & Praying before the main Jamah in Masjid – Assim Al Hakeem


Taking a Patient off of a Ventilator or Life Support – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Do all sins make a person kafir (disbeliever)? Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


How to do Ruqya on others? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Blaming all on evil eye, Can Raqi tell who did black magic,How to do Ruqya on others?- Assimalhakeem


Coloring or Dyeing the hair Brown, Blonde etc – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Which is better: to pray voluntary prayers, make dhikr, recite Qur’an or make dua? – Assim Al Hakeem


Is it a Communal Obligation (Fard Kifaya) for Muslim Females to become Doctors? Assim Al Hakeem


Making up Fasts and Prayers missed due to Negligence – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Why am I being rejected from Job offers, is it because of my sins? Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Combining the fast of Dawood Alaihissalam & Mondays and Thursdays & Which is better? Assim AlHakeem


القلوب – الشيخ عاصم الحكيم


Should we tell our Spouse about our past sins? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Where to intend my Ihram from & What to do if I made my Ihram after coming to Jeddah?- Assimalhakeem


Why is dating not permissible in Islam & Sin of talking about Allah without knowledge- Assimalhakeem


Can I divide my wealth and give it to my children while I am still alive? Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Does Allah have Emotions and Feelings? Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Ruling on Wiping the face after making dua – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


My Iman grows weak whenever I visit my home country – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem


Ruling on playing board games with Dice like Snake & Ladder, Ludo etc – Assim Al Hakeem


Can I pray in a Shia Masjid if there are no Sunni Masjids around? – Sheikh Assim Al Hakeem

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