Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


Is witr mandatory (wajib)? – Assim al hakeem


Images of living things or cartoons on clothes & validity of salah in them – Assim al hakeem


Can we give Zakat to our grandchildren? – Assim al hakeem


Importance of asking for Allah’s forgiveness – Assim al hakeem


Sincerity – Assim al hakeem


Did not assume Ihram at the Meeqat, what should I do now? – Assim al hakeem


استقبال رمضان – الشيخ عاصم الحكيم


Changing the position or speaking after praying fard to pray Sunnah – Assim al hakeem


If someone is asking me about my past sins, should I lie or expose my sins? – Assim al hakeem


Moderation in Islam – Assim al hakeem


Calamities – Mind your soul – Assim al hakeem


Does swallowing food particles invalidate my Prayer (Salah) & Fast? – Assim al hakeem


Marriage after committing Zina – Assim al hakeem


Ramadan Decorations – Assim al hakeem


Can a married woman pray qasr (like a traveler) when visiting parents in another city- Assim al hakeem


Hanging ayahs (verses) of the Quran to ward off evil eye & envy – Assim al hakeem


Are doctors accountable 4 negligence, malpractice or medical error resulting in death- Assimalhakeem


Finding it difficult to lower the gaze, is there any solution? – Assim al hakeem


Can we donate Interest (Haram) Money to build a Masjid? – Assim al hakeem


Taking care of the Orphans in Islam – Assim al hakeem


Patience – Assim al hakeem


Can we Write or put Marks in the Quran (Mushaf)? – Assim al hakeem


Decent Speech – A Good Word – Assim al hakeem


Eating Halal Food at a Restaurant that serves Pork or Alcohol – Assim al hakeem

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