Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


What is taraweeh, difference between taraweeh & tahajjud, should I pray Witr with Imam- Assimalhakeem


Is loving & taking care of your wife obligatory or just providing for her sufficient?- Assimalhakeem


Women making YouTube videos & Income earned through YouTube channel? – Assim al hakeem


What is the Ihram dress for women? – Assim al hakeem


Can Muslim grooms wear flower garlands & brides wear Black beads mangalsutra? – Assim al hakeem


How to purify yourself if you touch a pig? – Assim al hakeem


Is dhikr after Friday prayer same as dhikr that we do after every fard prayer? – Assim al hakeem


Is using tasbih, prayer beads, rosary beads allowed for counting dhikr? – Assim al hakeem


What does it mean Quran was revealed in Ramadan, does it mean the first revelation?- Assim al hakeem


Are the consequences of leaving fasts just like Salah? Will it lead to kufr? – Assim al hakeem


Does every fasting person get the reward of fasting? – Assim al hakeem


Fasting is obligatory upon whom and from what age must a child begin to fast? – Assim al hakeem


Duas and dhikr to be recited during Ramadan & Laylatul Qadr – Assim al hakeem


Does wife have to take my permission before going out, even if she’s at parents house?-Assimalhakeem


Are Ahmadiyyas / Qadiyanis considered as muslims? – Assim al hakeem


What is the best answer to someone who asks: Why do Muslims fast? – Assim al hakeem


What must a follower recite when praying behind the imam? – Assim al hakeem


How much Quran should we recite in Ramadan, how did Salaf focus on Quran in Ramadhan – Assimalhakeem


Do practicing muslims face the problem of waswas or only the non practicing ones? – Assim al hakeem


What does Islam say about Lucid dreaming? – Assim al hakeem


Can a woman in her menses give ghusl to a deceased? – Assim al hakeem


What is muraqaba in Islam? – Assim al hakeem


Ramadan Trailer – Cross questions, Straight answers – Assim al hakeem


Can I pray on a prayer mat with designs especially that of Kabah, Masjids etc? – Assim al hakeem

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