Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


Eating eggs whose chicken may have been fed on pork feed – Assim al hakeem


What is the best place to pray qiyam in Ramadan?Is praying it at masjid innovation – Assim al hakeem


Are people who work in scorching heat exempted from fasting? – Assim al hakeem


How to advice people to maintain oral hygiene while fasting as smell from mouth is offensive – Assim


Traveling from a country to another while fasting, when should I break my fast? – Assim al hakeem


Sexual intercourse during fasting in Ramadan and it’s expiation (Kaffara) – Assim al hakeem


Is it a must to pay zakat in Ramadan? Difference between zakat & zakat ul fitr? – Assim al hakeem


Combining intentions of missed days of Ramadan with Mondays, Thursdays, white days, Ashura, Arafah


Majority of muslims have no savings today, what is their zakat in this case? – Assim al hakeem


I began 29th Day of fasting & traveled to a country celebrating eid, should I break my fast? – Assim


Do pieces after using Miswak or tiny food particles in teeth break my fast? – Assim al hakeem


Hadith which says ‘All previous sins will be forgiven’ in Ramadan refers to minor or even major sins


Must we make niyyah(intention) of fasting in Ramadan aloud & is eating suhoor must?- Assim al hakeem


Follow astronomical calculations or sight the moon by the naked eye? – Assim al hakeem


What if Muazzin is late in giving athan: should we rely on watches more than Muazzin- Assim AlHakeem


Does it break the fast if some water reaches one’s throat during wudu? – Assim al hakeem


Can one break their fast while traveling by plane, train or car? – Assim al hakeem


How should one taste food for salt etc without breaking the fast & how many times is OK-Assimalhakee


Does using inhalers affect the fast of asthma patients? – Assim al hakeem


I am diabetic, can I take insulin shots during fasting? – Assim al hakeem


How to train kids and encourage new muslims to start fasting Ramadan? – Assim al hakeem


Under what emergency situations can one break an obligatory (fard) fast? – Assim al hakeem


Are eye drops, ear drops and nose drops permissible while fasting? – Assim al hakeem


What are the things that break your fast? – Assim al hakeem

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