Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


Burning hair to dispose it off! – Assim al hakeem


كورونا – الشيخ عاصم الحكيم


What’s the ruling on a person who misses Friday prayer? – Assim al hakeem


Is it authentic to recite Surah kahf on Friday and what time should we recite it? – Assim al hakeem


What does Tahiyatul masjid mean and where did this name come from? – Assim al hakeem


Did Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam pray Qaza (Make up missed prayer)? – Assim al hakeem


Blind follow a madhab or not follow any madhab? Follow Quran & Sunnah when there’s confusion Assimal


Iddah of a Widow – Assim al hakeem


Is wearing perfume and using the Miswak mandatory on Friday? – Assim al hakeem


What is the ruling on yawning while praying? – Assim al hakeem


Can aqeeqah be done on 14 or 21 if missed 7th day? Can I do it myself if parents didn’t Assimalhakee


Soak Maryam Flower in water during delivery to relieve labor pains? – Assim al hakeem


What is the ruling on burping in prayer? – Assim al hakeem


Brown discharge after period & I don’t see sign of purity, when should I start praying? Assimalhakeem


Feeling proud of oneself due to being guided, Does pride lead to arrogance? – Assim al hakeem


Dua to make before you enter the toilet – Assim al hakeem


Can we recite few Ayahs from one Surah & a few Ayahs from another in the same rakah? Assim al hakeem


Misconception about cutting your nails before or after Friday prayer – Assim al hakeem


The importance of the Friday khutbah – Assim al hakeem


Can women watch men’s sports? – Assim al hakeem


Revert afraid her non muslim parents will go to hell, how to convince reluctant parents Assimalhakee


Mental disorders, bipolar, Seizures etc, is it a sickness or waswas from devil? – Assim al hakeem


When to start offering salutations on Prophet salla Allahu alaihi wa sallam on Friday – Assimalhakeem


Can we give charity / sadaqa on behalf of two or more people? – Assim al hakeem

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