Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


Reward for women praying at home better than at masjid, even in Makkah haram – Assim al hakeem


Does Allah answer the dua of a person who does not pray? – Assim al hakeem


Does a barrier like paint on hands, nail polish, dough, wax etc make wudu invalid? – Assim al hakeem


I didn’t pray in my non practicing days Should I offer qadha or what’s the right way Assim al hakeem


Wasting water in wudu and ghusl – Assim al hakeem


Training children to pray and to go to the masjid – Assim al hakeem


If women don’t have to pray Jummah / Friday prayer, what do they do? – Assim al hakeem


What are the things to recite in tashahhud? – Assim al hakeem


Earlier you come to masjid, more the reward, How early should we go for Friday prayer? Assimalhakeem


How do we know if Allah has accepted our dua? – Assim al hakeem


اتقوا اللاعنين – الشيخ عاصم الحكيم


Is my father’s uncle my mahram & Is my husband’s father’s uncle my mahram? – Assim al hakeem


Is it acceptable to pray with animals logos on T Shirts, like Lacoste etc? – Assim al hakeem


Left praying or left making dua because Allah did not answer my dua! – Assim al hakeem


Should I repeat the adhan or pray tahiyatul masjid, what about during Friday prayer- Assim al hakeem


Were the killers of Uthman and Ali Muslims? – Assim al hakeem


Is it permissible to sit while praying if you started praying standing? – Assim al hakeem


What are the limits between a girl & her fiance how should they behave with each other? Assimalhakeem


Who should lead the prayer? – Assim al hakeem


Cutting nails, removing pubic & armpit hair before Friday prayer or before ihram? – Assim al hakeem


Itching, Shaking and Moving in Prayer – Assim al hakeem


There is no compulsion in religion so why is there a punishment for apostasy? – Assim al hakeem


Missed the Khutbah but prayed Jummah with the imam, is my Friday prayer valid? – Assim al hakeem


What to do in the short pause when the imam sits in between two khutbahs? – Assim al hakeem

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