Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


Pausing & keeping the head in the middle for a few seconds in between the two salams Assim al hakeem


Should we pray voluntary prayers while traveling? – Assim al hakeem


What should one say or recite before joining the congregation (Jamah Salah)? – Assim al hakeem


Things an Imam can say out loud to followers before starting the Fard Salah / Prayer Assim al hakeem


Is saying Haqqan la ilaha…after the Iqamah permissible, What to say after Iqamah? Assim Al Hakeem


Divorcing while the wife is Pregnant – Assim al hakeem


Are we rewarded for watching Islamic programmes? – Assim al hakeem


Some people raise their hands after saying tashahhud before making salam, is it permissible? Assim


If a person faints while praying what should people praying next to him do? – Assim al hakeem


Things forbidden during Khutbah: Replying to salam, saying yar hamakumullah, jumping rows etc Assim


Is it permissible to raise hands and say ameen during friday khutbah dua? – Assim al hakeem


How long should the khutbah be? – Assim al hakeem


If I prayed without wudu & realised at next prayer, should I pray Qadha of last prayer Assimalhakeem


When a person takes normal shower, does he have to make a separate wudu before praying Assimalhakeem


Who inherits a revert who has no muslim relatives & lives in a non muslim country? – Assim al hakeem


Are we allowed to have one wudu for all five prayers? – Assim al hakeem


At what age does praying become fard / mandatory? – Assim al hakeem


خلق النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم – الشيخ عاصم الحكيم


Speaking, Sushing others, replying to salam, sending salutations on Prophet ﷺ‎ during Friday khutbah


Can women watch halal videos on YouTube of women who are not wearing proper hijab? – Assim al hakeem


Being in doubt I prayed only 3 rakhas instead of 4, should I offer sujood as sahu? – Assim al hakeem


Where to look during tashahhud? – Assim al hakeem


Prohibition on buying intoxicants (Those who are cursed regarding Alcohol) – Assim al hakeem


Non Alcoholic beer vs Alcoholic beer, What intoxicates in large quantities, a little of it is haram

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