Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


Does eating Camel Meat break the Wudu? – Assim al hakeem


Is the Centralised Adhan system practiced in some places according to the Sunnah? – Assim al hakeem


Where should one point their eyes when in Ruku, Sujood, Qiyam (Standing Position)? – Assim al hakeem


If I joined the Prayer while Imam is in Ruku, without reciting Fateha? – Assim al hakeem


What is the minimum distance required to cross in front of someone who is praying? – Assim al hakeem


الشيخوخة – الشيخ عاصم الحكيم


Should I recite Fateha and a Surah after it while praying behind the Imam? – Assim al hakeem


Can I repeat the same Surah in all the rakahs of the Prayer? – Assim al hakeem


Reward of performing wudu before going to bed – Assim al hakeem


Should we interrupt our prayer if our parents call us? – Assim al hakeem


Can a healthy person sit and pray just because he or she is tired? – Assim al hakeem


Is a Skull cap mandatory for the Salah to be valid? – Assim al hakeem


Balance in Islam – Assim al hakeem


Ten Commandments in Islam – Assim al hakeem


I finished tashahhud, Imam is yet to say the Salam, should I sit idle or say something Assimalhakeem


Can a second congregation be held at a Masjid right after the main congregation? – Assim al hakeem


If Imam recites Rabbana dua from the Quran should one say Ameen while in prayer? – Assim al hakeem


People raise hands & make dua after Iqamah & before imam says AllahuAkbar, Is it valid Assimalhakeem


Can a Muslim take part in politics? – Assim al hakeem


If the Imam doesn’t say Ameen after Fateha, what should the followers do? – Assim al hakeem


Can we pray in front of a mirror? – Assim al hakeem


What does Islam say about Worldly education? – Assim al hakeem


Missed Asr & joined the Maghrib in congregation, how should he make up for Asr? – Assim al hakeem


Hadith: Souls are like conscripted soldiers, those who they recognise they get along.. Assimalhakeem

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