Video Speaker: . Shaykh Assim Al Hakeem


Is it permissible to write any part of the Quran, wash it and drink the water for cure Assimalhakeem


Can women go out during 40 days period after their delivery? Confinement rituals – Assim al hakeem


Can my brother be my wali / guardian if my father rejects the guy I want to marry? – Assim al hakeem


Getting old & still unmarried, I’m feeling Sad and Depressed, What to do? – Assim al hakeem


Should we praise Allah & say durood before making dua in sujood(Proper way of making dua)Assimalhake


Where should we look at while Praying when Standing, in Ruku, Tashahhud etc? – Assim al hakeem


Set alarm for Fajr, heard athan while half asleep, went back to sleep & prayed after waking up Assim


My husband is not regular in prayer, am I a fornicator for sleeping with him? – Assim al hakeem


Taking benefits by Cheating or Lying to the government – Assim al hakeem


How should wife behave during Iddah period of first 2 divorces, what about intimacy? Assim al hakeem


Who will be in Jannah with him if man has multiple wives/If widow remarried who will be her husband


Sins, Repentance and Forgiveness – Legacy of the Prophets (Part 2)- Assim al hakeem


Gelatin – Assim al hakeem


Can we pray Istekhara on behalf of others? Professional Aalims praying Istikhara – Assim al hakeem


Temporary or Mutah Marriage – Assim al hakeem


Seeing a dream, having bad feeling in heart after praying Istikhara, is it a sign from Allah Assima


Is it true that there is no Shyness in religion? Asking intimate questions – Assim al hakeem


Does the child born out of wedlock get named after the mother or the father? – Assim al hakeem


How to calculate Zakat on your Business? – Assim al hakeem


Can we swear or take an oath on Quran by placing our hand or by words? – Assim al hakeem


Is it permissible to pray with folded sleeves? – Assim al hakeem


Hadith about dying on Thursday night or on Friday – Assim al hakeem


How to avoid lying when our parents ask us to lie? – Assim al hakeem


Netflix Messiah Series – Assim al hakeem

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